I agree that you can do this to an extent within Remedy (although I don't agree 
with plugins for most things because it takes code outside of Remedy just like 
using stored procedures.)  When I was consulting, I remember one application 
using some stored procedures within the database, some Perl on the server 
called from filters, and I even had to build some VB 6 code in DLLs called via 
OLE within the Windows User Tool.  Supporting that system would have required 
someone with decent SQL, Perl, VB 6, and AR System development skills.  Even 
then, it would have been difficult to troubleshoot had something gone wrong.

Anyway I know you weren't arguing in favor of using plugins necessarily, and I 
do agree with you about the benefits of being able to edit Remedy objects via a 
text interface.  I was just trying to point out that I think SharePoint is 
closer to that model than anything else out there right now.  While there are 
downsides to SharePoint as Axton pointed out, I think it's a step in the right 
direction from a development standpoint.

BMC seems to be going further away from AR System as a development platform, so 
I don't see them really putting much more effort into expanding AR System 
functionality except when forced to.  I suspect that the only reason for the 
Overlay functionality, for example, was because BMC wanted to move more people 
to Remedy On Demand, and the Overlays meet the requirement of 1) having 
standard OOtB applications that BMC controls and upgrades all at once, at and 
2) at the same time allowing the flexibility to modify the applications to meet 
your business needs.  I really don't think that AR System as a development 
platform is their focus at all except as a way to modify and extend the OOtB 


Shawn Pierson

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:56 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Script Generation

Remedy has this ability too....called plugins.  You can build filter plugins
in Perl, Java, C....I'm sure a few others that I'm not familiar with.  With
the API model, you can build entirely custom clients that do wondrous
things.  All if this is wonderful and great and all....but I think what John
was talking about was not the ability to extend Remedy...but the ability to
turn what is currently records in a DB into some form of industry recognized

How many times have you had to answer the question of 'how many lines of
code would it take to implement this feature' with a 'it's not like that'
type of answer.  I would love to be able to have the ability to create a
filter (just like I do today) and then be able to export that to
'code'....not a def, not an xml def...but actual code that could be read

Granted, that code wouldn't be able to be executed by anything other than
the Remedy server engine....but it would at least be code that could be read
by Remedy and generated by Remedy...but also coded OUTSIDE of Remedy if you
wanted to, but still read by Remedy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Pierson, Shawn
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:38 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Script Generation


Having worked some with SharePoint, I've seen how it could be advantageous
to build an ITSM suite completely on that platform rather than using AR
System.  There are even tools that can be used within Visio to make
workflow.  Granted, to do the really complex stuff you need to be a .NET
developer, but I've seen the direction Microsoft has been trying to push
into and it's what AR System used to be geared for -- letting
non-programmers quickly build enterprise applications.  The only downside I
see is that if you give enough people permissions to build things, I.T. will
end up with the problem that Access caused where non-I.T. people made
unwieldy databases with impractical forms that they then tell us to support.
At least SharePoint has a permissions model.  In any case, I think that it
does great by allowing the full gamut of allowing end users to create simple
forms and workflow, while highly skilled .NET developers can create highly
complex, feature rich applications.

Unfortunately, Sharepoint itself is not cross-platform so it wouldn't work
for BMC, but I'm really surprised that Microsoft hasn't released more
applications that sit on top of Sharepoint at this time.  The only OOtB
Sharepoint based application I've used has been Project Web Access, but even
that requires you to build some of your own stuff and use Microsoft Project
in order to interact with the schedule.  Still, I've seen some good third
party stuff, and I think Sharepoint is probably a great tool to learn as a
side project for anyone that prefers to focus on the development aspect of
Remedy rather than ITSM administration.

This may sound like I'm a big fan of Microsoft, which I'm not, but I am
impressed that they turned what started out as essentially web-based blog
software into a diverse platform for web sites and applications.  I just
wish something similar that was cross platform and extremely popular


Shawn Pierson

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:19 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Script Generation

I'm changing the topic as to not hijack the original thread.

You bring up an interesting thought.  I was involved with a discussion with
MicroFocus (parent company of Borland, maker of SilkTest) regarding their
test generation application...it's a simple point/click interface, but you
can, if you choose, export the test script to any number of 'known'
languages including .net and java.  Once in the script form you can modify,
edit, do anything you really want...but when it comes back to executing the
script, you run it through their 'agent'.  The SilkTest 'server' is really
just a license management process to ensure you are not using more licenses
than you have purchased....so...this takes us to the concept you just

The power of Remedy is it's point and click interface to do things...one of
the strongest up and downsides (at the same time) is the central development
environment.  While this central dev environment (the remedy server) allows
for a lack of 'merge' problems....the fact that the code is stored only in
the DB, and isn't easily manipulated outside of the GUI makes it sometimes
hard to do things like merge....

So I agree....if BMC modified Remedy to function so that everything is still
point and click easy to create the code, but allowed the option of exporting
the code to a standardized format like Java, then allowed modification of
that code at that level....and of course would need to be imported back in
to validate the changes were good....

Yea...I could totally see using Remedy like that. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of John Baker
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 4:02 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Overlay and Applications


I do wonder when the time will come when base/overlay/etc are replaced
with the simple concept of a script.

Converting existing workflow to a script is easy and much of the work
has already been done, ie converting client side workflow to Javascript
already exists in the Mid Tier.

Writing a server side workflow (filters/escalations/etc) to Javascript
is entirely feasible.

Once we find ourselves using Javascript, everything will run (far) more
quickly, AR System (with ITSM) would not require 1Gb of memory and 30
minutes to start, and a simple source control system can be used to
merge the BMC base application with a client's changes.

I've not met an AR System admin who can't fiddle with some script, so
perhaps AR System 8 should be the day BMC bite the bullet, eject the
current model and move to simple text based scripts:

function my_active_link():
  if field(123) = "abc":
    # Push value of field 456 on this form to another
    push_fields(456, "Target form", 987)
    set_fields(123, "X")
    change_label(9000, 'New value of my label')
    set_read_only(9000, True)

Alright, so I prefer Python to Javascript but I suspect most ARSlisters
can follow the above.


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