Hi Joe,

I was able to reproduce the behavior that you describe below on my 7.6.03
Patch 002 201107191530 system. The only difference I see from what you
described is the "invisible" expand box that you described as being on the
left. Mine is on the right... just where the "real" expand box would be, if
it was there.

Client is WUT 7.6.04 SP1.

Hope this is helpful.

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Joe Martin D'Souza <jdso...@shyle.net>wrote:

> **
>    I used the Dev Studio of the same version as the AR Server to create
> that field and make changes to it .. I am on 7.6.03 (no patch). My WUT and
> Dev Studio too are on the same version no patch.
>  I’m going to try to attempt to attach 5 screen shots and hope they make
> it through to the list. I’ll also take the liberty to email them to you
> Doug, and Jason Miller and Keith Sinclair, as I am expecting the
> attachments to not make it to the list..
>  The property on the dev studio is un-editable once set to edit masked..
> however it’s the behavior of the field both on the dev studio as well as
> the WUT that is a concern.... Hopefully the screen shots will help explain
> what words may not explain that clearly..
>  Find 5 screen shots attached in a zip file called Bug.zip
>  *EditMask01.gif*
> This is where I attempted to create a character field of length 20 with
> some Default value “New Field Edit Mask” on it. The Expand Box as you can
> see at the time of creation is Default, and the Display Type is Edit...
> Notice the default value on the field as well as the non existence of an
> expand box.. With all these settings I saved the form.. The field got
> created.....
>  *EditMask02.gif*
> Here is where I changed the Display Type to Edit Masked and immediately as
> Jason pointed out on the list, the Expand Box gets grayed out, and its
> value changes to Hide. Also notice the field on the Dev Studio, where the
> default value gets masked to asterix’s.. Also notice that there is no
> Expand Box... So far very good....
>  *EditMask03.gif*
> Here is where things start to get ugly.. I changed the length of the field
> from 20 to 255. Notice that the Expand Box attribute is still grayed out.
> And that its value is Hide. Great (just as what Jason said about 7.6.04)...
> But take a look on the left hand side. There is an ‘invisible’ expand box
> on the field on the dev studio itself.. I’m kind that way, and that doesn’t
> bother me really as it appears like the field is still masking its contents
> with all asterix’s which is all I want – I don’t really care whether or not
> the Expand Box shows despite it being set to Hide and its attribute
> grayed.... I saved these settings.. With the settings saved with the field
> length at 255, lets look at what we see on the WUT...
>  *EditMask04.gif*
> When the focus is on another field, things look ‘almost’ good on the field
> that has its Edit Mask attribute turned on.. So long as the focus is not on
> the Edit Masked field..... I say ‘almost’ because you already see the first
> signs of trouble. The expand box is clearly visible...
>  *EditMask05.gif*
> Here you can see that the moment the focus is on the edit mask field, I
> can see the text as clear text. The mask disappears..
>  I haven’t yet tested this on the web as I just noticed this like 5
> minutes before posting to the list.
>   Cheers
>  Joe
> PS: On my first attempt, the attachments didn’t get through.. and it
> rejected my posting.. so attempting it without attachments and if you are
> interested in the attachments to make sense of this email. please request
> them from me and I will be more than happy to send....

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