Hi Folks,

Sorry to be late to this party... I have an open issue with ColumnIT
regarding DST and web services. From my observation, it appears that the
web service assumes EST instead of EDT if no timezone information is
present in the query (I'm in NC). Here is a more complete description of my

We have discovered a problem with our Mid-tier servers, possibly related to
the onset of Daylight Saving Time.

We have implemented several web service calls, some of which accept
arbitrary queries. If a query includes a date/time component, the returned
results are not correct. For example:

  <urn:qualification>'datemodified' >= "03/30/2012

does not return any results, even though there are records which match the
specified criteria. However, if the query is changed to:

  <urn:qualification>'datemodified' >= "03/30/2012 10:00:00

then the expected results are returned.

This problem only presents with the web service calls. Similar queries made
to the same server using the Windows User tool and through the Mid-tier web
interface all return the expected results without having to append the
"EDT" to the date/time string.

I have confirmed the system date/time on the Mid-tier server to be correct.

AR Server 7.6.03 Patch 002 201107191530
Mid Tier Version: 7.6.04 SP2 Hotfix 121511
Apache Tomcat/6.0.32
Java Version: 1.7.0_02-b13
OS: RH Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64

Hope this is helpful.

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