Hello Mike, 
Long time no speak. You can have several mid-tiers and several  AR servers. It 
sounds like you can do with just one AR server and one mid-tier with only 500 
users. If you want to do two mid-tiers, that will give your users a decent 
amount of horsepower. Both mid-tiers have to have your AR server as the 
preference server. In the case were you would have two AR Servers, it gets more 
complicated on the network side where that involves a Virtual IP and name for 
your load balanced AR servers. That virtual name/load balanced AR Server name 
will be the one that you input into your mid-tier configuration as the 
preference server and visualization server. All of this is really for high 
availability environments. At this point it sounds like you can stick with a 
single threaded environment with a set of stout AR and Mid-tier servers.

Jesus Ortega
Senior II, Implementation Engineer 
LyondellBasell Industries
Office: 713 309-4914
Cell:    281 546-0735

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Mike Hocks
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:06 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Load Balancer & Mid Tiers

A question regarding a Load balancer and multiple Mid Tiers .... Can I have 
multiple mid tiers point to 1 AR Server or do I need to have an AR Server for 
each Mid Tier? 

We are running the 7.6.04 from the Pre Config Stack Installer  on a Windows 
2008 Server with a SQL backend

Thank you!

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