How are you planning to integrate between remedy and middleware?
If you use webservices  to talk to middleware, then  your original issue 
still be there unless your transitional issues are related to be able to 
queue up and retry messages so that you wont loose transactions incase of 
connection issues etc..

Regardless I think it is a good approach and will help you scale your 
remedy application.
I think with 16 apps talking to remedy using webservices is worthwhile to 
look into middleware.

We often times come across scenarios where external systems have to adhere 
to remedy web service limitations just because remedy did not have  full 
feature set natively. In the same way remedy cannot use external 
systems web service directly  without translations unless it is very plain 
and simple SOAP webservice.

I have worked in several places where they used webmethods, tibco, custom 
java jms as their middleware.
By introducing the middleware you can overcome majority of those 
These middleware tools are built for the very specific purpose so usually 
they are more versatile and support lot of features or standards that plain 
remedy web services cannot support. The middleware will abstract lot of 
tasks like SSL,Firewalls, corporate security standards, authentication 
Usually corporate  will have dedicated  middleware teams with the know how 
 and they will take care of those things.
Also you get the added benefits like single point of contact, transactional 
 persistence, queues  and be able to hold and retry transactions incase of 
lost communication, logs etc...

The only draw back  I experienced was since you are  introducing one more 
layer between remedy and external systems you have one more team to 
coordinate for changes or new deployments which could cause potentials 
delays to projects. Additional work of mapping to middle ware and one more 
failure point.

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