any one can help me

Best Regards, 

Abdulrahman Hejazi
Subject: RE: Related release from change
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 12:12:36 +0000

AR server 7.6 

Application 7.6


This is the active link 
but if we add the note filed its not working 


@ CREATEASSOC_CHGRMS """ + "DESC=") + $Description$) + ";SITEG=") + $Site
Group$) + ";SITE=") + $Site$) + ";RGN=") + $Region$) + ";RACTION=Create
Release Container") + ";FORM=CHG:Infrastructure Change") + ";RMSID=") + $z1D
Char25$) + ";CPY=") + $Company$) + ";LCPY=") + $Company$) + ";SITEID=") + $Site
ID$) + ";IM=") + $Impact$) + ";UR=") + $Urgency$) + ";PARENT=") + 
Change ID$) + ";ORG=") + $Organization$) + ";DEPT=") + $Department$) + 
";MINIT=") + $Middle
Initial$) + ";C1=") + $Categorization Tier 1$) + ";C2=") + $Categorization
Tier 2$) + ";C3=") + $Categorization Tier 3$) + ";MFG=") + $Manufacturer
(2)$) + ";P1=") + $Product Cat Tier 1$) + ";P2=") + $Product
Cat Tier 2$) + ";P3=") + $Product Cat Tier 3$) + ";PN=") + $Product
Name (2)$) + ";PMV=") + $Product Model/Version (2)$) + ";SERVCI=") + 
$ServiceCI$) + ";SERVCIRECON=") + $ServiceCI_ReconID$) + ";RISK=") + $Risk
Level$) + ";PRI=") + $Priority$) + ";ZACTION=RELATESERVICECI") + ";FN=") + 
Name$) + ";FN=") + $First Name$) + ";LN=") + $Last
Name$) + ";PN=") + $Phone Number$) + ";FN=") + $First
Name$) + ";SGN2=") + $Support Group Name2$) + ";SORG2=") + $Support
Organization2$) + ";SGID2=") + $Support Group ID 2$) + ";"""







Best Regards, 

Abdulrahman Hejazi
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 05:13:58 -0600
Subject: Re: Related release from change
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

Since I don't know what version you're on or where you are specifically, I'll 
take a stab and guess that you're within the change request itself. It's 
probably an Open Window action on an Active Link that is bringing over the 
fields and you'd have to check to see if it is bringing over the Notes field. 

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 5, 2013, at 5:10 AM, "..... ....." <> wrote:


Hi all,

I am trying to
open related release from change but when we create the new release we cannot
get detail description (Notes) from change.

Best Regards, 

Abdulrahman Hejazi                                        

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