
I've reviewed some of the patents and I was amused by what passes for a


This patent is all about agents running on hosts, controlled by a
central service. It is described as "novel", but it's not something
invented by BMC and is present in many other products. For example, both
IBM Websphere and Oracle Weblogic have a concept of a central service
(WAS deployment manager, WL admin server), that feeds
instructions/configuration to nodes running JVMs. This is not novel -
it's common place.


Collecting performance metrics. I can do that in a couple of lines of
Python and it's nothing new. A typical large bank will have lots of this
stuff, both purchased and home grown, littered on their networks with an
"operations team" constantly monitoring it.


This one is awful. It sounds like BMC claim to have invented a system of
storing data in a hierarchical document using namespaces - you know,
what we commonly refer to as XML. There's no intellectual property in
designing a schema.


This patent seems to suggest BMC have invented a method of
troubleshooting via flowcharts - something I recall doing at school in
the mid-80s, and I recall plenty being present in my 6502 Assembler

I suspect this and other patent relates to the way in which a BMC
product works, but copying the concept is not a crime (Microsoft do not
own the concept of a word processor, or sending an email). Indeed, for
every concept pinched by a competitor, BMC will have pinched one
themselves - such as graphing data to display metrics, which is almost
certainly patented by some other company.

I think the core problem with many IT patents is they aren't actually
'inventions' but a great way for lawyers to make money. After all, they
are hardly going to turn around and tell a BMC senior manager, "I'm
sorry mate, but this patent has no value". Real inventions, such as
James Dyson's bag-less vacuum cleaner, have real value. These patents
seem to tell a competitor more about how the internals of a BMC product
works rather than defining an 'invention' of real value. 


Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but I can use Google :)

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