On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 12:03 AM, Slichter, Daniel H. (Fed)
<daniel.slich...@nist.gov> wrote:
> This is very nice work, thanks for the detailed write-up.  It seems that this 
> gateware design would cover just about any use case for high-bandwidth 
> two-tone designs.  To Dave L's question, there are already interpolation 
> filters with sharp cutoffs in the AD9154 to eliminate Nyquist images if 
> desired; I have done some measurements on the AD9154 hardware and they work 
> quite well, up to what the datasheet says (~85 dB image rejection in the 
> stopband, which would take us effectively to the noise floor of the outputs 
> generated by the gateware Robert demonstrates).  TI gives the filter 
> coefficients for their FIR filters in the datasheets; you might be able to 
> email Analog Devices and ask them for the filter coefficients for the AD9154, 
> and this would allow you to evaluate the phase and amplitude response vs your 
> needs.

Those AA filters won't do anything to the images from the f1/f2
oscillators. I assume Dave was referring to those.

> It does highlight the need for the DAC clock to be programmable over a wide 
> range, from ~800 MHz up to 2.4 GHz (this is most important for Greg and Tom 
> to be thinking about).

Sure. Designing it for just one DAC clock would be shortsighted
(unless there are overwhelming technical reasons to do so).

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