​Thank you for the detailed study Robert. ​

> This setup can -- for example -- generate a two-tone signal at 162 MHz
> and 238 MHz by setting f0=157 MHz, f1=5 MHz, f2=81 MHz. The attached
> plot has the data and the spectrum from a bit-accurate simulation of
> the full FPGA gateware. Units are "natural" (sample rate=1, full
> scale=1): the relevant tones are close to 0.1 and 0.15 sample rate.
> Output amplitude is below clipping.

​Thank you for the specific example. ​

> * 200 MHz is a bit under maximum achievable speed for this logic on a
> -2 speed grade kintex 7.

​Can -1 speed grade on UltraScale handle ​generation at the 1 Gb/s data
rate ?

> * 1.6 GHz * 4 channels is more than we can push to a DAC. The design
> can obviously also run at 1 GHz (f1,f2 at 125 MHz, f0 at 1 GHz) which
> would just about fill eight JESD204B pipes.

​That is, e
Each DAC requires 2
​parallel ​
JESD channels at 10 Gb/s.

* The design can also be built for 800 MHz with significantly lower
> resource usage (then running the f1,f2 NCOs at 200 MHz, f0 at 4*200
> MHz = 800 MHz). This would free a lot of room on the FPGA, fit the
> JESD pipes, and would still be able to comfortably generate the signal
> above.
This demonstrates that we can actually get very good high-data-rate
two-tone signals for eight channels out of gateware that fits on
currently available development boards.

​Splendid! This leaves room for future room for features like PID.

​-Joe ​
ARTIQ mailing list

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