
For theory, see Sec 5.7 of doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.03.001
Note especially Eq 19.

To automatically extract V and/or H inside ARTS, you need to use sensor_responsePolarisation, with polarisations measured/wanted specified by instrument_pol.



On 2023-10-09 09:32, suifengbenpao2023 wrote:
Dear ARTS community,

Currently I am simulating H and V polarization brightness temperatures, but I found that the polarization calculation in the description is not the same as the traditional radiation calculation (Q=Iv-Ih), so how should I calculate the brightness temperatures of H and V polarization from the stokes vector of brightness temperatures? How is it derived?

Looking forward to your reply!Thank you!

Best wishes,

Jiaan He

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