In a message dated 10/29/2004 6:50:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
get a life liberals!
As a liberal, I will speak for myself and state that I have a wonderful life, thank you for your concern.  Being "liberal" is in effect being American.  The spirit of America has always been shown by the pioneers, those seeking new ideas, new frontiers, those willing to be open minded and when necessary, revolutionary.  
You, in a sense, are liberal.  You see Asbury as it is and you want it to change.  Seeking change, rather than "conserving" the status quo makes you liberal.  Welcome to the club. 
Now, one can be liberal, wanting change, and that change may not be the best for the common good (i.e. gentrification). 
I just wanted to offer this point of clarification as I am constantly disturbed by the lack of understanding of the idea/definition of liberalism. 
Peace, Jim Keady

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