Title: AOL Email
I never said anything about the people not being able to help themselves, those are words you are trying to put in my mouth. As far as that back when stuff, i remember when bread was 25cents, i remember when gas was 66 cents, i remember when whites and blacks grooved together. Hey reality check,,,, those days are long gone.And how could i be possibly hurting them, i teach the young and try to give awareness to the older. I never asked about  your past nor do i care, but as far as you observing the riots, hell i went through the watts riots, the rodney king beating riots and a couple more. Yes i went through hellish times too, with the korean owners on top of their stores ready to kill who they could.And why should the succesful blacks cry racism, they have what they need. They don't have to rely on bull---- jobs. Nor do they have to deal with handouts, and city governments who take the funds alloted for helping them and giving it to who they choose. Just like the uez funds, when they got the first check they stuck it in another acct to get the interest and when they finally let go of the funds , it was short. I know this to be true, i was there.I never said blacks animals,although some play the part.And i never said all whites are about racism.I'm just speaking the truth from what i know, and what i have see, and what i have been through since i've been in asbury park these 5-6 yrs.As far as the asbury park press, i could care less about their stories or nancy shields. She was probably some lonely chick who never had anyone that could show her a decent style of being. She always has something bad to say.Where were you when the real riots took place? I was out helping people save their businesses. And it's real funny that everything you've talked about in this email is about the past, what about now?


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