In a message dated 8/9/2005 3:22:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Once again, I refuse to let this paraphrase of a quote, from 3
unnamed people, who might have been using classism and not racism,
as irrefutable evidence that Asbury Park is a racist community.

It is not.
Seriously - you have a problem. You keep manipulating my words on a really important issue, Tommy - stop it.
When you do reiterate a quote, you go on to manipulate its meaning.  It's unfair and I don't appreciate it.
For the last time, I never said AP was a racist community.  What I DID say was that racism does exist here, as it does in the rest of the country.  My exact words: "I would argue strongly that it exists in Asbury Park, but certainly no more (and actually a little less) than it exists in other places in the US where I have visited and lived."
As I said before, lets drop it.  The only reason I am writing now is because you are manipulating what I said.  And I'm writing to set the record straight.


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