I think the guy likes to hear himself talk or in this case read what he typed.

apoojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Excerpts from APP with my comments

> "It's over. It's finally over, Councilman James Bruno said
> Wednesday."
> As Yogi said Jimbo, it ain't over till its over.
> Yes it is, but are the decaying hulks now on a waterfront a symbol
> of a successful redevelopment?
> "It's been a gargantuan effort to get to this point, said Dean
> Geibel, the managing partner of Metro Homes."
> You're not over the finish line yet Dean. There might be a little
> difficulty actually being able to build the Esperanza.

>  Some of us still care about the truth. The only way to
> determine if the WRP REALLY allows C-8 to be rebuilt is to have a
> full hearing of the facts before the court. I'll be glad to see C-8
> come down and the Esperanza to go up, but the latter only if it is
> done legally. The WRP must be amended.
sounds like this is going to the courts on your behalf? i also care
about the truth, met you twice at council meetings, i know you are
intelligent,and hopefully sincere.  please state your intended
litigation, if it is to pound your chest and say i told you so, i
disagree with you, if it is to negotiate to give them more units to
save other areas, and get fair market value for the triangle, you may
have many supporters, again please state your intentions, like denzel
said explain it to me(us) as if i am a second grader. this is written
with all due respect to you i am not busting your back, i would just
like to know your intentions, i do not think putting them out in
public will hurt your case, but if you do i respect your reply saying
that  thank you.

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