I don't know what the answer is to all this, but I can say this.
Racism is disgusting to me.
The other day, out of the blue when I was talking about AP with a contractor, 
he told a 
story about how his family owned a hotel in AP, and that they built a pool, and 
how he was 
disgusted one day to find the pool filled with "monkees"
He wasn't talking about the kind of monkee one finds in a zoo either.
What sickened me about this is that he thought it was ok to be racial in front 
of me, like he 
assumed i thought the same way he did.
That attitude makes me sick, and it's sad that it's still happening to this day.
I wish Asbury's multi-ethnic makeup could integrate more then it does. I wonder 
many of the people trying to develop Asbury reach out to African Americans etc?
Of course, that's a two way street as well.
As for the economics of Asbury, I'm not sure if I want to engage in a Rich vs. 
Poor debate.
I agree there's a huge gap in our economy, but one thing i'd like to say is 
it's also up to people to do what they can with their lives. Sure, it's a rich 
persons country, 
but there's plenty of ambitious people, like myself, who work their asses off 
and carve out 
a nice life. 
New Jersey is really a joke when it comes to our economy, but I think that our 
woes are part of a bigger national picture.
In my opinion, America has blown it in so many ways.
We forgot about mom and pop, and now we give our money to mega retailers that 
mostly foreign goods.
Once upon a time, America was the king of manufacturing, but not any more. I 
heard a report on NPR about the tee shirt industry, and how it's now dominated 
by China.
I know that for the most part, we Americans love our freedoms and country, but 
I think 
we've sold out on our culture. We just becoming a big, predictable homogenized 
trying to get the rest of the world to believe in the American Way.
Welcome to the Empire of the United States.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> You seem like a genuinely Open and Nice Person, much more so than most
> of the People who are engineering the Disaster that's happening here
> in Asbury Park.
> The first thing that you might want to consider when talking about the
> Homeless resorting to Crime is that the below People were considered
> as Criminals throughout History, depending on your perspective, or
> that of which Side you believed in:
>   Jesus Christ
>   Gandhi
>   Martin Luther King
>   Thomas Jefferson
>   ALL American Indians
>   The Irish (I'm 1/4 Irish)
>                              etc., etc. You get the Point (?)
> MANY (But not All) People resort to Crime when there's NO other way
> for them to Survive!  And Most Crime is actually INTENTIONALLY caused
> by the RICH to hold People down, as well as to keep People Against
> them fighting Each Other ... So they can't defeat the Rich!
> Tell me, WHY must 5% of the Population in the USA Control 90% of the
> Money and Real Estate & Businesses?  There's NO Justifiable Reason for
> it EXCEPT that they are Greedy, Inhumane and Egotistical .....To use 3
> of a possible 20 Words to describe them!  Gluttons, as in the Bible!
> When People cannot Feed their Kids, Pay their Rent, pay Electricity or
> Heat, have no Medical Insurance, No Job Security or a Living Wage  ...
> HOW can they be HAPPY and Secure?
> Do you Know that we are Supposed to Be Guaranteed a Safe and Secure
> Life BY our Government and Country, not to mention God & each other. 
> The Words "All People are Created Equal" and have the Right to Pursue
> "Life, Liberty & Happiness" ..... HOW can one be Happy, when the Rich
> DENY them Housing, Food, Education and Medical Attention, even worse,
> deny them the right to OWN Property of their OWN?
> IF the Minimum Wage had just simply kept up with Inflation since 1970
> ($1.75), it would be $14+ NOW, which is considered a "Living Wage" for
> Monmouth County!
> Do you know that to maintain a 2 Bedroom in NJ now with 2 Adults and
> one child costs $42,600 ........Just to pay Bills!  Or an equivalent Home!
> In Asbury you have:
>      NO Rent Control .... Average Apartment Rose 60-80% in 3 Years!
>      NO Jobs to Mention ... Median Income is $24,400
>      NO new Affordable Housing in 15-20 Years 
>      78% Minorities  ... Who are a Needed Low Income Work Force who 
>               are gradually LEAVING Monmouth County or NJ entirely!
>      Racism IS Rampant here!  Jim Bruno & Jo0hn Loffredo spout out 
>          their Racist beliefs regularly.
> By the way ...I'll put in your Exact Quote from Stand Up for Asbury
> (Which should be called "Support a Racist and Intolerant Asbury
> Park"). Here's what you said:
>         This is what stand up states;
> "The Mission is not offering a community service – it will serve the
> homeless and drug abusers from Newark to Atlantic City " Could anyone
> provide clarification for this, because it sounds to me like this
> mission will serve people other then from AP."
>    They are intentional LIARS and Bigots!  WE have been sending People
> OUT of Monmouth County to places like the Atlantic City Rescue Mission
> for YEARS .... Because this is the MOST Racist County in the Entire
> USA .... The LAST County to endorse Civil Rights! Check it out!
> You also said about the Homeless:
>     "But one thing I'd like to say...if somebody becomes homeless due
> to the socio-economic problems you've mentioned, does that mean they
> begin to lose their morals too, and begin to do things like puke on my
> front lawn, throw liquor bottles on my front lawn, buy and deal drugs
> etc?"
>    Jack, believe it or NOT, those SAME Words were used to describe 
> the troublesome Students attending Monmouth University and Living in
> Homes in Long Branch, Elberon, etc.!  Does that answer your comments?
> Go and talk with Lieutenant George Corbin on the Police Department and
> HE will tell you what the People here have lived through, and WHY!
> Crime is MUCH worse since 2002 BECAUSE of the Redevelopment and the
> Lack of the Things which I mentioned above!  And you haven't seen
> anything yet!
> Do you realize that the American Colonists started the Revolution for
> the SAME Reasons that are prevalent today?  BUT, now our OWN US
> Government is doing it to Us, not a Foreign King across the Atlantic!
> They couldn't afford the British Taxes, and now ....Our People Cannot
> afford either Taxes, the Reduced Value of Labor or the Blow Out of
> Proportion Real Estate Costs!  In the 1800's, People were GIVEN Land
> (Homesteading) ......Of Course, at the Loss of the Indians ... Who
> were SCREWED!
> Peace Jack,  at least you are open minded, not like these Transplants
> from NYC who kiss the Fishmans Butts and Screw the People who lived
> here for 50-100 Years!  They'll pay when they meet their Maker!  The
> Same Group from Lakewood & NYC is doing it here now!
> Good Luck, 
> Steve
> P.S. CALL Dave Scott at (732) 988-0242 to get the TRUTH about the
> Mission ... Don't believe those Dirt Bags at SUFA who are Lying to you
> and distorting People's Views! Racism is based in Ignorance, Fear and
> Hatred .... All of which those Leaders spew all over! The GLBT's and
> Hasidics can dominate HELL after they're done with Asbury Park & Die!
> Dave is the Executive Director     
> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Hinge" <hinge98@> wrote:
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Sharon didn't write the comment about trucking in people. I did.
> > I got my information from standupforasbury.org, both from the
> website and from a phone 
> > discussion. 
> > This is what stand up states;
> > "The Mission is not offering a community service – it will serve the
> homeless and 
> > drug abusers from Newark to Atlantic City"
> > Could anyone provide clarification for this, because it sounds to me
> like this mission will 
> > serve people other then from AP.
> > If I'm wrong about this, I stand corrected.
> > My major concern here is a worsening of the situation that has been
> a part of Asbury's 
> > downfall.
> > I, for one don't want to see our city further damaged by people who
> don't know how to 
> > respect their city. 
> > You do make some good points though Steve.
> > But one thing I'd like to say...if somebody becomes homeless due to
> the socio-economic 
> > problems you've mentioned, does that mean they begin to lose their
> morals too, and begin 
> > to do things like puke on my front lawn, throw liquor bottles on my
> front lawn, buy and 
> > deal drugs etc? I guess some will, and others will take action to
> better there lives, because 
> > the alternatives are just a dead end street.
> > I encountered a women this evening who claims she recently became
> homeless at 44 
> > because her husband was beating her. She was stinking of alcohol,
> and she seemed fairly 
> > intelligent. Sadly, she admitted to me the only way she can survive
> is by selling her body. 
> > It's really depressing to think that there is nothing else she can
> do to survive.
> > If you are correct Steve, then the future looks pretty bleak.
> > In closing, it will forever amaze and sadden me that our poor little
> city is suffering, while 
> > on the other side of Deal lake, just north of here things are quite
> nice. I lived in that nice 
> > place for 10 years...Allenhurst...and even though i'm very well
> versed in the history of 
> > Asbury, I still can't imagine how in 2006 our city is so troubled in
> so many ways.
> > Sincerely, Jack
> > 
> > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" <asburysteve2001@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Sharon,
> > > 
> > > Where'd you get the idea that the Homeless will be "trucked in from
> > > other  cities, like Atlantic City and Newark"?  That's Absurd!  There
> > > are enough Homeless within a 2 Mile Radius of Asbury Park to keep the
> > > Jersey Shore Rescue Mission going indefinitely into the future!
> > > 
> > > What really amazes me is that so many people have NO Idea of what even
> > > Causes Homelessness, either here or elsewhere!
> > > 
> > > Homelessness will get worse & worse into our future, because even
> > > lower tier Middle Class People, of any Race, are now having severe
> > > problems just getting by in NJ! But in Asbury Park, our population is
> > > 60% Afro-American & 17% Hispanic, and the Median Income is only
> > > $24,000, compared to about $56,000 or higher in the County.
> > > 
> > > With a combination of the Oceanfront Redevelopment, the Puppet Leaders
> > > refusing to support Rent Control and Affordable Housing and a lack of
> > > Living Wage Jobs for the Poor linked to a Training Program, and
> > > rapidly escalating Real Estate Values & Taxes, Homelessness will grow
> > > fast here!
> > > 
> > > And as long as the Mayor, Loffredo & Bruno GIVE the City away to the
> > > Fishmans and everyone else making money here now, the people on the
> > > bottom of the ladder will NEVER have a chance!  The poor have mostly
> > > been chased out of Trenton and are being moved out of Philly as we
> > > converse.
> > > 
> > > When you have people with NO conscience and NO sense of Social
> > > Responsibility controlling the entire future of a City, one cannot
> > > expect for the weak and needy to be helped at all!
> > > 
> > > As far as the problems with Drugs, Prostitution, Gangs and Violence
> > > goes, our ills and imbalances in Society ARE what causes those things
> > > to flourish in the first place!  The Redevelopment is causing more and
> > > more people to TURN to Crime because less and less of them can afford
> > > to pay their Rents anymore!  And Fort Monmouth's impending shut down
> > > will hurt the Middle Class in Monmouth County as much as the poor are
> > > getting hurt HERE in Asbury from the poorly planned Redevelopment!
> > > 
> > > What's missing here is that the "Have's" making money from
> > > Redevelopment fail to realize their Social, Moral and Religious
> > > responsibility they need to live up to which would balance off the
> > > short comings which are taking place!
> > > 
> > > But seriously, Sharon, before making false assumptions that the Rescue
> > > Mission is going to CREATE Homelessness here, you should speak to Dave
> > > Scott about it, since he knows the Stats and has been running the
> > > Morristown one for years!
> > > 
> > > Furthermore, if our National Leaders would be responsible and raise
> > > the minimum wage high enough to live on, which it Was in 1970, then
> > > Poverty would decline and so would Homelessness Nationwide! And after
> > > WWII, there was a National Rent Control in place for a while due to
> > > dire circumstances, and it worked very well!
> > > 
> > > For those of you who are Christian out there, all you have to do is
> > > look at Matthew 25:31-46, James 2:14-18 and Deuteronomy 15: 7-11 to
> > > see that helping the Poor isn't an OPTION, but a Command from God for
> > > us to be Socially responsible to do! But there are too many Greedy and
> > > False Christians out there to really DO what should be done today!
> > > 
> > > And Homelessness isn't a Racial Problem, it's an economic one! But in
> > > a City that's 78% Minority, of course there'll be more non-whites who
> > > are Homeless! And they ARE discriminated against, too! But Nationally,
> > > there are more whites both on Welfare AND Homeless! It's just that
> > > most of them are in Southern States!
> > > 
> > > Asbury Park is a Social Mess that's getting Worse, NOT better! As the
> > > Buildings get fixed, the People are getting SCREWED! And many People
> > > WILL lose their Souls in the Process which is unfolding!
> > > 
> > > Steve
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Hinge" <hinge98@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'd like to comment on the Market Street Mission, and my opposition
> > > to it.
> > > > If I understand correctly, the people that are to stay there are to
> > > be trucked in from other 
> > > > cities, like Atlantic City and Newark. I also believe that these
> > > people will be out on the 
> > > > streets during the daytime.
> > > > Here's the problem I have with this...let's say some of these people
> > > are drug addicts. Boy, 
> > > > they should be really happy, because for them, Asbury is one big
> > > drug playground. I know, 
> > > > because I see the evidence of it on my lawn, in the park down the
> > > street and around the 
> > > > horrible bungalows on the corner of Kingsley and 1st ave. 
> > > > Maybe some of these people are also alcoholics. So should I prepare
> > > myself to clean up an 
> > > > even greater amount of discarded beer and liquor bottles from my
> > > front lawn practically 
> > > > every morning?
> > > > Don't get me wrong, I both feel for, and have empathy for the
> > > homeless. I was homeless 
> > > > once myself when I was 18 years old. True, some people wind up
> > > homeless due to 
> > > > circumstances beyond there control. But plenty of them wind up on
> > > the street because of 
> > > > problems like drugs and alcohol.
> > > > In closing, since we in a period of rebirth in AP, how is the city
> > > going to benefit by adding 
> > > > this shelter?  And once new residents start streaming in, how are
> > > they going to deal with 
> > > > the increased homeless population?
> > > > 
> > > > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Tom Wolfe" <me@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Why is this a racist comment?  Do you have the racial demographics
> > > of the
> > > > > homeless population?  Please forward it to me if you do, otherwise
> > > do not
> > > > > stereotype the homeless as one race and assume anyone that is not
> > > in favor
> > > > > of the Market Street Mission is a racist.  If you do not have the
> > > statistics
> > > > > on the racial breakdown of the homeless population, you are being
> > > racist by
> > > > > assuming a particular race is the majority of the homeless.  By
> > > the way,
> > > > > which race did you assume, unless you do have a census you can
> > > share with
> > > > > the group, was being discriminated against?
> > > > > 
> > > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > > Oh, by the way, to make your :"What a racist view!..." comments
> > > easier to
> > > > > find, please take some time and properly format your postings so
> > > the group
> > > > > can be enlightened by your wisdom.  Oh, signing your accusations
> > > is very
> > > > > helpful, as well.
> > > > > 
> > > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > > Respectfully,
> > > > > 
> > > > > Tom Wolfe
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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