Sorry 'bout those links in my last post.  They are not mine; I copied the passage from Wikipedia;
When the Nazis came for the communists,
To sharon_b283,
One additional point:  If you've ever been in any of the so-called "gay ghettos" (neighborhoods in San Francisco, NYC, Philadelphia, etc.), you might have noticed that they are among the most integrated neighborhoods in the country, and they thrive--together.

Boilerplate: Fair and Balanced (unlike FUX News) links from a liberal Democrat

Cool Republican Links
Christine Todd Whitman:  See especially "Quotes" here -  Christine Todd Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  and her PAC  It's My Party Too: Home , Supports fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates.  Its mission is to return the Republican Party to the sensible center. 
Even a cool neo-conservative: FRANCIS FUKUYAMA    New York Press
William F. Buckley, the Father of Modern Conservatism:  American Conservative Union Foundation , author of "The Right Word." He had the integrity to admit to a few regrets, "most notably his magazine's opposition to civil rights legislation in the 1960s." 
Pete McCloskey, former congressman:    Republican Says We Need a Democrat Majority in Congress

Andrew Sullivan, self-acknowledged gay Catholic conservative:  Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish

And Out of the Blue:

Click here: | Vote With Your Wallet!
Click here: The Huffington Post
Click here: White House Gift Shop: Officious Presidential Gear :  (pushing the envelope)
Rabbi Harold Kushner, liberal theologian, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People: Books: harold kushner
Commonweal - A review of religion, politics and culture : Journal of Liberal Catholic Theology. 
Click here: Air America Radio | The antidote to Rush and other Hate Talk Radio
Click here: Liberty's Blog: Eventually they'll want a piece of you, Chris  Chris Rock on weird white guys.
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