council should mandate that screening be placed around work areas.  In some towns you have to screen a porta toilet if it is placed in view. 

dfsavgny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
email sent.

Mr. Lamle,

Jack Pitzer shared your responses to his email concerning the state
of redevelopment in Asbury Park with fellow residents, of which I am
one. I am affronted by the slightly veiled tone of your response.
While I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, I am still quite
familar with that tone coming from Asbury Partners since I have had
the pleasure of confronting your frontman, Larry Fishman, many times
over the past couple of years.

Your response suggests that residents of our City should have
nothing but gratitude for what Asbury Partners has done for us. Let
me be the first resident to personally thank you for rebuilding OUR
boardwalk at YOUR cost. This is what you stated in your follow up to
Mr. Pritzer was it not? I am sure that the local media and our
governing body will be happy to learn that Asbury Partners is under
the impression that it is it that paid for the boardwalk and not the
citizens of this City. If I recall correctly, the cost of the
boardwalk was credited towards Asbury Partners' purchase of our
waterfront buildings. Thus, it is the citizens who paid for the
boardwalk and not Asbury Partners. I will not even get into those
and other purchases, which many of us, including myself, believe
were given too cheaply to Asbury Partners. I am still not finished
with the Triangle or C-8, but that is for another time.

Many are not surprised by the tone and content of your response. It
is characteristic of Asbury Partners' entire approach and attitude
towards this City during the entire redevelopment process. While you
are in the process of giving deadlines, perhaps you can tell us when
the Casino will fully restored, when the Paramount will be restored
and when Convention Hall will be restored as promised five years
ago? Asbury Partners has not even begun to undertake what it
promised years ago.

Your response dwells on the fact that this redevelopment (many of us
ask WHAT redevelopment) is of unprecedened scope and that we should
just shut our mouths. You cite examples of other redevelopments in
comparison. Can you tell me what experience MD Sass or the Fishmans
have in ANY major redevelopment? I am in the real estate community
and I only know MD Sass as a tax lien investor. Again I ask, what
redevelopments have you or the Fishmans completed. It is obvious to
anyone who has been around any substantial redevelopment projects
that what is going on in Asbury Park is minor league at best. The
sites of the two current subdevelopers are nearly deserted during
the day. Their progress is laughable. Much larger buildings would
typically be finished by now in real developments.

And with regard to the infrastructure, isn't it true that it is the
subdevelopers that are actually paying for it and not Asbury
Partners? We all know that they must in fact pay for it and I
wonder, is Asbury Partners promising to finish within a certain
period of time even if no more subdevelopers are signed on?

Your response should have been more concilatory, but that is not
Asbury Partners way is it? That is the way it has treated the
citzenry from Day One of this redevelopment. Perhaps you could have
discussed investigated some screeningorminimizing the impact of your
rock crushing operation instead of telling us to simply say thank

And what are the millions you have GIVEN for affordablehosuing in
this city? To my reckoning Asbury Partners has PAID $2 million thus
far and is not obligated to make another payment until the 500th or
600th residential Certificate of Occupancy is issued. These payments
are OBLIGATIONS of the waterfront redevelopment agreement - they are
not gifts. You have not GIVEN us anything. That was part of the
purchase price of the development rights. A price many of us view as
too cheap, including it seems, Marty Sass who crowed in an
investment magazine in 2001 how CHEAPLY you bought these rights (I
can send you a copy of that article if you have not seen it).

As you can see, I am copying the City Council of Asbury Park on this
email. I will also make sure that the Council also sees your
responses to Mr. Pritzer. I will say to you what I have said to them
before in public. Asbury Partners is no partner of Asbury Park -
your responses only reinforce that view. Many of us have given up on
the Council assuring that Asbury Partners lives up to its
obligations. I can assure you that citizens will do what is
necessary to fill that void.

Daniel F. Sciannameo, MAI
Albert Valuation Group New York, Inc.
330 West 38th Street, Suite 611
New York, NY 10018
(212) 490-1188 ext 206
(212) 687-4929 FAX
(917) 591-7723 Internet Fax

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