Re: the smarmy lecture  from  [EMAIL PROTECTED] who  wrote: 

Mario there is no question that if a  person writes an opinion column, they 
[sic] are going to find people who  oppose them. Of course, they are going to 
find people who agree with  them.

No need to lecture me about opinion columns nor to spin your take on those  
who read them.  You must take me and the dwindling TCN readership to be  
idiots.  Most of us know how to read opinions we disagree with and still  
those who write them with integrity.  I've given many examples in  past posts.

I'm certain there are people you meet that tell you  they don't like me for 
my columns, 
Oddly enough, I've met people who know you personally, but who still think  
your columns are cesspools.

and they will, as you say below, seek you out because you  dislike the 
columns too. 
and many I've met are to the right of me, politically, but who are  
embarrassed by your claims to "justify' the right.

Likewise, there are also many people, total strangers,  who write to me, 
email me and introduce themselves to me that tell me they  love the column. 
It's a 
big world with lots of diverse opinions. I'm not out  to change everyone to 
my point of view. That would be a pretty boring  world.

A boring world? No, a Hell on earth full of smear, half-truths, and  mediocre 
I've commented here recently about Jim Keady's recent column in the  TriCity 
News: It was carefully thought out and an exquisite piece if  writing.  If you 
could achieve half as much, the TriCity News  might become something we 
Asbury Park residents could be proud of.
You may recall that in the last city election, I was a cheerleader on  your 
side of the fence.  At this point, I find myself disappointed  that there are 
no articulate voices speaking for "The  Future Started Here" team.  Consider 
that, in this group, supporters of  that team and their policies are, except 
you, all anonymous, far from  articulate, prone to trash people rather than 
promote ideas, and not likely to  appeal to thoughtful voters.
In Keady's essay he commented to Dan J: "We know that you want Asbury Park  
to be just like Berkeley, Madison or Asheville. Something that those towns have 
 is an independent, alternative newspaper that reports in detail on the 
issues  that the mainstream news agencies miss. We need you to do your part – 
research  issues first-hand and report."
"To be just like Berkeley, Madison or Asheville": Some of us residents  
savored that vision.  Michael Liberatore and Dane Hall used to represent  some 
that writing quality at TCN.  But now, especially when it features  an 
outrageously un-Christian column like the War-on-Christmas attack on our  
Chamber of 
Commerce, seems to have lost its way.
Words are important, and ideas have consequences.  Thankfully, Asbury  Park 
still has thoughtful writers evidenced by Kate Mellina's Coaster  columns and 
Frank D'Alessandro's letters.  

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