It is about time

----- Original Message ----
From: justifiedright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2006 6:53:01 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Councilman Jim Keady Gets It Right

Hat tip to Councilman Jim Keady for his words in The Coaster today 
about the most recent horrible shooting in Asbury Park. I think he 
was dead on accurate.

Jim highlights the criminality and the need for more cops to fight 
it. In fact he seeks 20 more cops. A strong message to the thugs 
that we won't allow them to continue in this City.

I'm certainly not on board with the quote from the Mayor of 
Trenton. I don't think he can be considered an expert until he 
cleans his own streets.

Very well said, Councilman Keady. My sincere compliments.

Here are JK's words:

Councilman James Keady, who has been vocal in his belief that gang 
activity is becoming an increasing problem in the city said, "It's a 
very unfortunate event for our community, the Frederick Douglas 
community and her family."

Keady was chastised by city officials after Pugh's death, when he 
repeated a comment on a television news show that he heard from 
black religious leaders there were as many as 200 members of the 
Bloods, a notorious street gang, living in Asbury Park.

Wednesday Keady emphasized that city leaders need to find a way to 
deal with the rise in violence among city youth.

"We have to take stock as a community and discuss how we're going to 
deal with these shootings," said Keady. "It's really disturbing, a 
horrible crime – all of them have been." 

Keady said he planned to push his fellow council members to make 
a "collective statement" at Wednesday's council meeting regarding 
this week's incident and the problem at large.

To help eradicate gang violence Keady believes that the number one 
item on every agenda for every future council meeting should include 
an anti-gang initiative.

"Bring people in from the state, talk about what works and what 
doesn't work," he added.

The councilman also said he attended several seminars regarding 
gangs at last month's League of Municipalities convention where 
presenters expressed the united view that arresting and locking up 
city youth will not solve the problem.

"You can't lock up the gang and gun problem," Keady said Trenton 
Mayor Douglas Palmer told one group.

"That doesn't mean we should tolerate anybody being shot in our 
community, but we've seen a spike and we can't hide from that," said 

Councilman Keady also believes the city police department needs to 
add 20 police officers to its ranks.

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