On 12/7/2006, justifiedright  wrote: 

I also didn't know Schlockmeister was  a real word until I just looked it up.
No big deal. It's an obscure term, but I like the sound of it.   Vocabulary 
is not the problem.  
The real problem is the cavalier treatment (or is it a shallow  
understanding?) you give to serious subjects covered in some of your  columns.  
E.g.: The 
only real war on Christmas was waged by Christian  Puritans who saw the holiday 
as encroaching Catholicism (Papistry).  Much  later, Henry Ford charged that “
The International Jew” waged war on  Christmas.  Then the John Birch Society 
accused a secularist United Nations  of waging such a war, but even 
Goldwater's people considered that  extremist.  Most recently, it's been 
O'Reilly and 
Gibson from Fox  fanning those flames.  But anyone with Google 101 under his or 
her belt can  discover it's all bogus: scapegoating all over the board, from 
Catholics to Jews  to internationalists to humanists.

It's good to have a Teacher on the  board, Mario.

It's not the  teacher in me challenging your assertions and/or asking for 
It's the citizen in me.  Scapegoating is  un-American.

========Original Message========
    Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Schlockmeister Columns  Date: 12/7/2006 6:16:59 
P.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

I didn't know Flame War was an Internet term of art. 

I also didn't  know Schlockmeister was a real word until I just 
looked it up.

It's  good to have a Teacher on the board, Mario.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> _justifiedright@ _justifiedright@<WBR>..._ _justifiedright
> I wasn't  trying to start a flame war with you.
> Nor I with you.
> ============ ======== =
> What  Flaming is:
> Flaming is when a person goes into a chat room, forum,  discussion 
or email 
> and deliberately causes offense to someone by  personal attacks 
and insults, 
> not just their opinions but  everything, their personality, their 
> their family and  friends even if they have never met the person 
or know anything 
>  about them.
> What Flaming isn't:
> Someone placing their  views, opinions on a discussion even if 
they disagree 
> with  another's point of view. A simple way to put it is if the 
> is about the person views on the specific topic and not an attack  
on the 
> person in general, it is not classified as flaming 
>  __http://articles.http://articles.http://articles.http://_ 
> (_http://articles.http://articles.http://articles.http:/_ 
(http://articles.syl.com/quickfactsinternetflaming.html) )  
> Sometimes, serious...disagreem Sometimes, serious...disagreem<WBR> 
as "flame 
> wars" even when the major participants are making useful  and 
> points and, largely, not flaming....Partly, terming  such a 
discussion a "flame 
> war" seems to be due to faulty or  distorted memory of the 
discussion itself:.... 
> __http://en.wikipediahttp://en.http://en._ 
> (_http://en.wikipediahttp://en.http://en_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flame_war) )  
>  ============  ======  ======  ======  ======  = 
> I acknowledge that my responses are at times quite lengthy. My  
intent is to 
> be thorough in a single post. The single phrase or  single 
sentence response 
> seems inadequate. For example, your simple  question, out of the 
blue, could 
> be construed as "flamebait."  
> The simple answer to your question is no, I haven't had a 
response  from 
> Pallone. I do intend to follow up with his office(s), but that  
is low on my 
> priority list of things to do. I'm still shamefully  basking in 
> since the last election.
>  ========Original Message=====  
> Subj: [AsburyPark] Re:  Schlockmeister Columns Date: 12/7/2006 
> P.M. Eastern  Standard Time From: _justifiedright@ P.M.
>  (mailto:justifiedri  (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@_As_ 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) _  
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) )  
Sent on: 
> Holy Cow  Mario. It was a simple question. I only brought it up 
> because he didn't  come to the Springwood Avenue meeting and he 
> invited to it, so  it made me think of that. I wasn't trying to 
> start a flame war with  you.
> Just forget I asked.
> --- In  _AsburyPark@ --- In  _Asbury
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) )  , 
> MarioAPNJ@, Mari
> >
> > 
> > On 12/7/2006  at 11:06:43 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> > justifiedright@  justifiedr
> > 
> > 
> > Mario you had indicated that  you would post here about 
> Congressman Pallone's 
> > response  to your inquire [sic]regarding the statement he made 
> about Asbury  
> > Park. Did he ever respond to you?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I could choose to see the above as a "monkey  question" and 
> it.
> > 
> > Instead, I'll  label it a "leading question" and respond with a 
> few of my own:
>  > 
> > 1. Did you ever send the $100 check to the veterans' 
>  organization? See 
> > messages at 
> ___http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:Wh_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:/_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18471_) )  
> > (__http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:W_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18471) )  ) and 
> > ___http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:Wh_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:/_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18492_) )  
> > (__http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:W_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18492) )  ) .
> > 
> > 2. Did you ever make a retraction or an apology  to Keady? See 
> > ___http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:Wh_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:/_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/19616_) )  
> > (__http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:W_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/19616) )  ) 
> > 
> > 3. In last week's column, you referred to the AP  Chamber of 
> Commerce as 
> > "Bastards," "Communist Heathens,"  under "an idiot spell" 
> of "witches," guilty of 
> >  "Politically Correct bullshit," and you threatened to spit in 
>  eye of 
> > anyone wishing you "Happy Holidays." 
> > 
>  > A. Did you intend that column to be a model of the "Judeo-
>  Christian" 
> > values which you claim progressives lack?
> >  
> > B. You ended that column with "Praise Jesus." How is that 
>  different 
> > from the Islamic fascists who shout "Praise Allah!" to  justify 
> violence, verbal 
> > or otherwise? 
> >  
> > C. If you intended that column to be amusing, weren't you 
>  aware of the 
> > commandment "You shall not take the name of the Lord  your God 
> vain"?
> > 
> > D. Aren't you aware  that "holidays" comes from "holy days"? 
> > 
> > 4. You  always defend the rights of anonymous posters who, 
> coincidentally,  
> > always seem to agree with you although on a more intemperate  
> vicious level: 
> > an intriguing connection. (A  leading statement not unlike those 
> you make in 
> > your  columns: e.g., Zinn, assassination, Keady; e.g., Hitler, 
> secular school  
> > boards; et al.)
> > 
> > ============ ======  ====== ====== ====== ======
> > Re: Pallone
> > 
> >  Who was the reporter, Tommy? And where is it recorded? Lots of 
> quotes  in 
> > the Press article. Not one mention of the sensational sentence  
> you used in 
> > your column! No red herrings. The reporter  and where recorded? 
> You repeated 
> > the quote twice in your  column for shock value, so I'll repeat 
> questions 
> >  for emphasis too: Who was the reporter? Where is it recorded? 
> > ___http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:Wh_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:/_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/19470_) )  
> > (__http://groups.http://groups.http://gr_ 
(http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.) <_Whttp://grhttp:W_ 
> (_http://groups.http://grohttp://groups.<Whttp://grhttp:_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/19470) )  ) 
> > 
> > You printed the following as a direct quote, i.e.,  the exact 
> words of 
> > Pallone: "I'm not going to bat in a  city where I don't have a 
> good relationship 
> > with the  mayor."
> > 
> > How about these for leading questions? Does  this say more about 
> our mayor 
> > than it does about the  congressman? What are the details about 
> that poor 
> >  relationship? Did the congressman get the same treatment from 
> our  elected 
> > officials as Councilman Keady gets?
> > 
>  > Final leading question: I voted for these city officials, but 
> see  where 
> > your provocations push people like me. I'll buy a round of  
> drinks on the day 
> > those officials formally distance  themselves from your tactics.
> > 
> > Happy Holidays
>  > 
> > ========Original Message===== ==
> > Subj:  [AsburyPark] Mario: Pallone Response? Date: 12/7/2006 
> 11:06:43 
>  > A.M. Eastern Standard Time From: _justifiedright@ A.M.
> >  (mailto:justifiedri (mailto:just_  (mailto:j  (mailto:j  (ma 
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@_As_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
)  _ 
> > (mailto:_AsburyPark (mailto:_Asbury (
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) )  ) 
> Sent on: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > Mario you had indicated that you would  post here about 
> Congressman 
> > Pallone's response to your  inquire regarding the statement he 
> > about Asbury  Park.
> > 
> > Did he ever respond to you?
>  >


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