He is in the town government.  He said he would represent the people.  Now he 
is supporting a homeless shelter that could bring donw home values, keep Asbury 
down because he wants it here.  He should be questioned because he is an 
elected official.  2009 JK Free!!  People will remeber this  

----- Original Message ----
From: dfsavgny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:06:49 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Last Night's Zoning Board Hearing

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, "justifiedright" 
<justifiedright@ ...> wrote:
> Werner ask Maureen to play you the tape of the panel discussion at 
> Holy Spirit Church on housing, where JK and I were both panelists.
> Without question he supports the efforts of the Mission to come 
> here. 
Exactly the point in my response to Paul. JK is not, and should not be, 
the issue. He did not bring the Mission here. He has personal reasons 
for not opposing assistance to the homeless, but again, that is not the 
issue. I was there that night Tommy, I don't need to hear the tape. 
Since when did this country become a place where we all have to agree 
on everything and when someone doesn't, they are turned into a pariah? 
I have seen this slowly coming to be especially with JK at council 
meetings over the past several months. Cheap shots. It's like a work 
assignment. Never loose focus. Stay on the issues.

Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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