This board should go the way of C-8.  

----- Original Message ----
From: dapawprint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:09:19 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: What the hell happened to this message board?

Hinge, I support that sentiment.

All of you may have noticed that I had not been posting in this group 
since my faux pas a while back. Denise decided to label me a bigoted 
sob and my feelings have been hurt. 

I am sorry, Denise. You have not personally met me; if you had, you 
would know that I made an unfortunate mistake with my errant post and 
that I am a very diverse person who wouldn't intentionally hurt 

Just a final comment to my errant post: I do, actually have a pet 
duck; that in itself is a bit humorous. The pet duck group which I 
belong to is very light-hearted and the message that I errantly 
posted here was supposed to have been sent from my duck to a duck in 
Washignton State who brags about all the wimmen (not a mis-spelling 
in the context) in his life.

I had just started using (the then new) Internet Explorer 7 with 
tabbed browsing and I simply got my tabs mixed up. I realized my 
error quickly and I posted an explanation almost immediately.

As a result, I was called a bigoted sob. I was also accused of 
having been drunk.

All that being said, I will apologize one last time. I am sorry that 
I made a mistake. I have learned from it.

I hope that I will not get flack for THIS post as I joined this group 
because I DO believe in Asbury Park and it is one of my favorite 
places to visit.

Like the person who posted regarding about moving to A.P., I have 
also considered moving. I am in support of all of you in Asbury Park 
and continually ask myself what I can do to to make things better for 
everyone. (If you have suggestions, please share.)

Best wishes to all of you. I support Hinge's suggestion that the 
group stay on topic and attempt to refrain from the belittlement of 

I realize that my errant post was received as an insult in this forum 
and I have apologized and promise that I have learned.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Hinge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Seems like a few of us here chose to use this forum as a place to 
vent their personal feelings, 
> and carry out attacks. I really don't think it serves our community 
well. Last week, a person 
> interested in Asbury came on board, and this is what he's been 
exposed to. 
> I think the personal attacks should be done elseware, via 
email...anywhere but here.
> Let's all get back to talking about Asbury Park.

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