RE: Dan's response to justified.:

Those two  people are Mario and myself. Show me our posts where we said
we had a  problem with Chris Hanson.

STOP, distorting.

While my posts did  not suggest I have a problem with it (I merely
posted the link), I do not  watch the program any longer. Without even
knowing the background info on  the group PJ, I still thought it
smacked of entrapment.

You should  have been an auto mechanic. You are not suited to being  an

He can't stop distorting.  That's his schtick.  A one-Trick  pony--and a bane 
to any real discussions on this board.

My comment  was that the article "Tackles difficult subject matter."  As  
magazine articles go these days, it's quite long but not a rant.
Ms.  Grigoriadis gives her readers substantive matter to think  about.

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