
No offense, but when someone says something like Liberals Have No God...

I hardly think that's polite company. That's a pretty strong and offensive statement.

On Sep 19, 2007, at 11:08 AM, wernerapnj wrote:

Mario ? Is it true, you have abandoned the ship ?

Sad to see the group self destruct, but its not all Tommie's fault.

The ongoing diatribe regarding politics/religion/ by otherwise
rational people is unbelievable.

Proof the mother was right:

Do not discuss politics or religion in polite company.


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/18/2007 9:49:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> No, you brought it up in post #29494.
> You're just lying to yourself now.
> Sad.
> I was always taught that 29064 comes before 29494.
> 29064 was where the study was first introduced here by me.
> Now you say I'm "lying." Same as "hate."
> So, I'm reneging on that bar tab agreement;
> I've rationalized that it's Ok 'cause you reneged at least 2 or 3
> _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/20636_
> (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/20636) Check
to the Veterans et al.
> It is sad...you've reached the tipping point as a bottom feeder.
> To save this group from your need for school yard taunting, I
will go to
> "edit membership" --
> click -- " leave this group" -- click.
> You'll probably find another scapegoat.
> Finally, my exit is not as your previous peevish exits ( at least
> because everyone was ganging up on victim you...poor me...sob,
> Just want to save the group from your spite and need to be mr.
> right right right right..., ad infinitum.
> Parting is such sweet sorrow. Not. More like Snoopy's "Joy! Joy
> !
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