Was he referring to AP when he wrote Born to Run? 

2fine4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          I'd have to agree, not only because 
you're right, but it's the right
thing to do. If I'd attend a zoning meeting now, I wouldn't know
anyone on the board. Seems that when I served, there were decent
people, on it, that I learned to love as friends and came to
understand. All, had been residents, long before I happened on the

I lived over in Neptune for over 20 years, heard all the bad stuff
about AP and didn't believe a word of it, due to the rivalry, that
exists, between the two towns, an athletic rivalry, who gets "bragging
rights", for the year, etc. Neptune, could never be Asbury, no matter
how hard they tried, back in those days, (70's-80's), enjoyed seeing
my kids whip, get whipped and the back and forth, of who was better. 

In the 90's, the mayor was recalled and the Asbury United group, took
over, briefly; very briefly. They were hounded by the group in power
now, my opinion, and what you see now, is what you get! Better? I
wonder! Seems to me, that whoever gets in, the title and the
so-called power, goes to their heads! Still, my opinion! 

They are basically good people, seem to know what needs to be done,
but are so taken by quasi-solutions, to decades long problems, seem to
overwhelm and question their judgement! Seems every group that comes
along, say they have the answers to AP's, long in the struggle
problems, since the riots of July 1970. 

It all hinged on race, who was the most powerful group here, but don't
address the causes of such problems, which STILL exist! Substandard
housing and education for the majority, which is Black and mostly poor. 

Homes, run mostly by single parents, who are no more than kids
themselves, or drug and substance dependent. When I attended the
Community College, in the early 70's, I met many of the individuals,
pegged as the "ones most likely NOT to succeed"! They all had the same
dreams and aspirations as ANY American, but were ill-prepared to get
ahead, due to stereotyping and discrimination. 

I give the current group bouquets, when something is done in favor of
our citizens and the same brickbats, as any of the other posters, give
here! I'll say this for Jersey in general; "If you can make it here,
everyplace else, is a piece of cake"! The residents here are
wonderful, caring and concerned about the quality of life here and
what, if anything, can be done to remedy street crime, drug use and
yes, corruption! 

Do we need a homeless shelter here? First off, I'd say no, because of
the way everone DUMPS on Asbury Park, in general! As a Christian and
a Roman Catholic, I say YES, because it's the way Christ taught me; to
tend to the poor and the LEAST of His brethren! Is their the Center
for Aids? Yes! Is there a Food Program in AP, YES! Done with OUR
tax dollars and comes to us in the form of Block Grants, etc., through
local churches. 

Now, I believe in SEPARATION between Church and State! In other
words, I don't think a poor Jewish person, should have to say the Hail
Mary, to get a piece of bread, that if he had a job and home, he'd get
himself! Nor do I believe a Catholic should have to sing "Swing Low"
either! It is what it is! I believe no person should have to get on
a soapbox and echo the President's philosophy either! 

My generation "Questioned Authority", still does and don't believe
that God inspired Bush, to do anything! I can go on and on, but you
get the picture. Live and LET live, is my philosphy! If someone
wants to marry a statue of Buddha, who am I? To my Gay Friends, "God
Loves You and So Do I"! Amen! 

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "evosap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for posting this. Loved Springsteen when I was 11. Moved
> through a stage of being over it. Springsteen fans turned me off him,
> they seem to love the music but don't get the message. Then I have
> had to deal with him and all the groupies here, in this luscious town
> I live in. Forced to get off my bike in CH!
> Drivin to Freehold one day I heard a great song and realized it was
> him. I would like to suggest that he is not only criticizing the Bush
> admin (easy to do) but perhaps the mediocrity we are all a little
> guilty of. Spend some time in the council chambers here in asbury and
> you will know what I am talking about. Particularly the zoning board
> hacks. And then there is the SUFA folk, all bile and narcissism. The
> chairman of zoning takes the cake. Queen fool. Keady is the only one
> who gets that its about service. The rest are in it for themselves. 
> Is there anybody in love out there? I am. I hope you are. 


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