In a message dated 10/7/2007 11:31:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Oh I  see my unauthorized biographer Mario is back.  The Group is about to be 
 ruined again. This poor fellow Mario has a strange obsession with me. He  
chronicals everything I say, write 
and do, and tries (and fails) to find  me saying something wrong.  Maybe if 
you ignore him he won't make his  next 700 posts about me personally, but I 
doubt it. He's strangely hooked on  me. It's weird. It's very uncomfortable to 
have a stalker. 
The "chronicles" are public record in Yahoo groups, blogs and  elsewhere.  
A cyber trail easily accessible to anyone.  
And I'll match the integrity of my posts -- content,  consistency and 
otherwise -- with anyone.
"Strange obsessions," "strangely hooked," and "stalker" are tired old  
ammunition, unpacked and loaded once again -- to distract from, instead of  
acknowledging, this time, the inconsistencies and hypocrisy in accusing  
someone else 
of talking the Lord's name in vain.  JR's own published  words come back to 
haunt him, poor fellow; no need for personal  attacks, just call up the words.

Imagine what he could get done if he put all that energy into  doing  
something good for Asbury Park.  Service to community is just  not in him. 
critical of those who do good for Asbury Park is his  game.
Not to let any local bs go unchallenged is a "public" service in my  eyes.
A cyber trail of my admiration and praise for "those who do good" for this  
city is also public record.
All other service to the community -- I prefer not to tout or wear on  my 
But there is a paper trail.

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