In a message dated 10/8/2007 9:20:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Looks  like I hit a nerve.
Rather looks like I hit a nerve by pointing out the  hypocrisy in your 
accusing others what you've done numerous times in  print.

You  write nearly 700 words, and not one is about you helping Asbury  Park.
Yup 700 words. Posted at 9:07. And you took 12 minutes  to count the words 
and post at 9:19, indicating little time to consider or  absorb anything I've 
"Verbosity leads to unclear inarticulate things." GWB  11/30/96


You  have no sense of public service. Zero. Just keep complaining about us 
that  roll up our sleeves and help....and how you don't kick in at  all).
Mere assertions, negative epithets and  Swift  boating, without any support.

(I'm  sure you'll write another 700 words about me, when the subject is about 
You've just fulfilled the definition of tactics previously  noted:
“One popular strategy is the practice of Winning by Losing."   You've taken a 
"badly flawed, wholly illogical argument, and then  vigorously defend it 
while mocking and insulting" the other.  Your own  comments about patriotism 
service et al. are reckless and foolish,  but this is "all apparently part of 
the plan."
However I won't take that bait:   "The victim becomes noticeably angry  by 
trying to repeatedly explain the flaws of the argument. Provoking this  anger 
was the one and only goal from the very beginning.”
The record of anything I've said is available for  careful public scrutiny, 
not just word counting.
If there were "a battle for hearts and minds," I'd  feel secure in everything 
I've questioned or challenged.  

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