You know Tom, you do have a valid point.  Likely because I so often
disagree with you on point of view I probably am quicker to be critical
of you than of Mario, others and even myself on tone and delivery.  The
reality is I think far too many people on this board take liberty with
fact, making accusations and insinuations without the slightest shred of
fact.  Both of you do.  And I'm sure occassionally so do I.

So in the "fair and balanced" spirit I'd again ask you both to take your
personal argument to a personal place - email is a much better vehicle
for the discussion you are having than this group.   I'll even buy you
both a beer if you want to do it in person, but disavow any
responsibility for personal injury or property damange.

  And I will ask everyone, starting with myself, to avoid taking leaps of
logic to unfounded conclusions without facts to back them up.  I'm not
speaking to any particular string of topics or any particular people,
but to the general discource in this group that some times gets both
highly personal and way out of hand.

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