No need for second thoughts or  apologies. 
AP needs residents with passion who are not  afraid to go out on a limb.  
Looks like leadership to me.
"Keep on Truckin'."
In a message dated 10/23/2007 8:05:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

As I  read back my post below, it occurs to me that I'm beginning to sound 
like a  one-track 
mind jerk, so I apologize in advance. I thought about deleting  the post, but 
I figure it's 
better to be honest and let it stay.
I  guess part of the problem for me and litter is that I've never lived in a  
place where it's so 
prevelent. It truly disgusts me. The nearest local  town I lived in prior to 
moving here was 
Allenhurst, which we all know is  pretty spotless. Same goes for Edgewater up 
When I think back to  around the year 2000, I was living in Allenhurst, and 
dating a girl 
here  in AP. Occasionally, me and my dog would spend the night at her place, 
and I'd  take 
my dog for a walk in AP and back then I vowed never to live in a  place this 
dirty. So I guess 
I can only blame myself for moving to a place  that had a problem I already 
knew about.
Personally, I can't relate to the  mentality of a person who thinks it's ok 
to just drop their 
trash anywhere  they want to. I guess growing up in the 70's and watching 
that commercial  
with the Indian crying had an effect on me.
Anyhow, I apologize to my  friends here for my frequent rants on this subject.


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