"There you go again - trees, shrubs, leveling where do you get this stuff??

All that's needed, and what should be done, is to restore the flower
beds and fix the sprinkler system at this point.

The planters conflict with the symmetry and historic character of the
area. You really need to look at the big picture of the relationship
of the park to the front on the ConHall."
       I do see your points.  I understand what you're saying.  Don't think for 
a minute i don't, because i truely do.  When the new streets were layed in 
front of CH, everything was made lower.  
       Don't you remember how you claimed, and swore how the new street height 
in front of CH was too low, and would never line up with the sidewalks in front 
of CH!!??  They line up fine...  If you look at the avenue the Berkely Hotel is 
on, notice how the strip of land that was added to the park is at sidewalk 
level.  That is most likley the grade the entire park will be at in the future. 
 Wouldn't they raise up the new strip with dirt to match the rest, if that is 
how it were to remain?
       A few plants and flowers in the park would be niec, and that's true, 
that really is all you need.  But with the extent of this project, and the high 
end things being done, do you honeslty think it will be left the way it is?  I 
strongly suspect the whole area will be sodded with new grass (or at least 
seeded).  Yes, these are my opinons.  I don't remember seeing these large 
flower pots in the plan myself either, but yet they have appeared.

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