"Another inappropriate use of resources and waste of money. Large
concrete planters and lots of plants - WHY ???"
"Let's keep the current cobra head style lamp posts on the
boardwalk. Theres no need to update them with something more
attractive. It's a waste of money. They have been there for 30 plus
years, no need to change now. It would be a waste."

  "You get a F for for the 'appropriate lamp selection exercise' I tried
to conduct some time ago. Review your notes."
       Not sure what you mean, maybe your being sarcastic back.  That was my 
intentions with what i said.  :-)  You speak about wasting money, and doing 
things that have no point.  Changing the lights on the boardwalk would be a 
waste of money.  Theres no real need to do it.  The only reason would be to 
make the boardwalk more attractive.  The lights that are there now light 
everything up.  You could place them on shorter poles, or get the parking lot 
style ones we see still standing on Lake Ave.  Straight to the point, nothing 
over the top, or anything that includes extra details that would just cost more 
       The point is, sometimes we do things that look nice.  No other reason 
other then looking nice, or maknig an area more attractive.  Are they not 
appropriate to be near the CH?  I saw your points about symmetry regarding the 
park and CH.  That's true. Good point.  However, in my mind the 3 planters on 
each side somewhat frame the building when you look at it from a distance.  
Just as the planters opposite each othere frame the Paramount courtyard.  It's 
all a matter of how you look at things.  You're points and oppinons are 
understood tho.  You are probably right, because you do know your historical 
stuff!  However, its obvious this plan is NOT going word for word about 
hisotorical attributions.  Too many things have been altered at this point to 
stand by and precise planning from the past.

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