"Anyone agree that having portable toilets on the boardwalk is not in
the best interests of the City? Or am I alone on that one?"
       I'll agree with you there!  I thought it was fine the first year or two, 
but by that point, you'd think something more perminate would be visiable.  The 
first ave pavillion at least has working ones, behing the Empress.
       Where exactly are the bathrooms in CH? I don't think i've ever seen 
them.  I do see LOTS of work going oin on the storefronts in side the arcade 
area of the hall.  Lots of new renovated spaces, with openings soon i assume..
       The raised concrete floor on the eastern side of the aracde hall has 
been jackhammered out. Not sure why, maybe under floor pipe work, or some other 
installations.  Not sure

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