Back to AP, and I'm not trying to cry over spilled milk.  I'm  genuinely 
Werner  -  Do you any input about have that crappy sewer building  got 
approval?  When?  By whom?  and is rook right about the  potential for flipping.
In a message dated 12/26/2007 8:25:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

If I  remember correctly, the part in Ocean Avenue is not the main plant 
and can  be flipped to the other side. It would reopen Ocean Avenue.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ,  
> The worst decision ever made I think  was the decision to put the 
sewer plant 
> smack on top of Ocean  Ave.
> Who was mayor then, or who was responsible for that  literally crappy 
>  decision?

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