_Condo  Confections Hit a Snag - New York Times_ 
January 6, 2008
In the Region | New Jersey
Condo Confections Hit a Snag 
ASBURY PARK and Vernon are two communities offering up cautionary real estate 
 tales to start the year: a grand development project in each has taken a 
sharp  turn for the worse. In Vernon, work has ceased prematurely on a _ski_ 
dex.html?inline=nyt-classifier) -resort village, and in Asbury it has 
screeched to a  halt at the Esperanza, a condominium complex front and center 
in the 
effort to  revive the beachfront. 
In each case, developers ascribed their sudden inaction to increasingly  
dismal market conditions — sluggish sales and foot-dragging lenders.... 
In Asbury Park, a work stoppage at the Esperanza as of Dec. 11 stunned city  
officials, who began scrambling to counter the potent symbolism of work halted 
 on a project whose name means “hope” in Spanish. The Esperanza was just 
starting  to rise above ground level on the site of a previous unfinished 
building whose  builder had gone bankrupt, and whose rusted skeleton had 
haunted the 
derelict  shoreline area for more than 20 years.  
Now, some market watchers discern the reappearance of the time in the 1980s  
when the first Asbury redevelopment plan collapsed, merging into a sea of such 
 failures across the country.  
“I think we’re just beginning to realize the scale of the excesses that took 
 place in the ’02-to-’06 period,” said James W. Hughes, dean of the Edward 
J.  Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, as he 
contemplated  the setbacks in Vernon and Asbury Park.  
“The period from 1982 to 1988 was very similar, nationally, and in _New 
 : lending without verification; very little  down payments, if 
any, required,” he said. “This current nightmare is a repeat,”  he added, 
with “projects conceived in heavy boom years falling apart as we head  toward 
economic recession.” 
Dean Geibel of Metro Homes, the builder of the Esperanza, cited the impact of 
 the “national mortgage crisis” in announcing his company’s work stoppage. 
Other developers and market analysts said they assumed that Metro had not  
garnered enough sales contracts at the 224-unit project — which has the most  
amenities and highest prices of any of the three large residential complexes  
taking shape on the beachfront — to persuade lenders to finance the next stage  
of construction. 
In late summer, Mr. Geibel said that 57 units had been sold at the complex,  
which has a striking wavy-sided design, a large recreation area with pool over 
 the parking garage, a ground-floor restaurant and shops. 
A week ago, Mr. Geibel said he was working on several options for restarting  
the project and perhaps scaling it down, in concert with city officials and  
redevelopment project managers, including Madison Marquette, a Las Vegas-based 
 company brought in last year to oversee retail and entertainment  
He acknowledged “the possibility of some sort of collaboration with Madison  
Marquette,” adding that he did not believe this would mean subtracting housing 
 or adding retailing. He noted that Madison had expressed interest in  “
participating” in the residential part of the Asbury Park redevelopment. 
In fact, said Terence J. Reidy, the city manager, Madison has also met with  
Westminster Properties, which built the first phase of Wesley Grove, a 
town-home  complex at the south end of Asbury’s mile-long beach. With 91 condos 
complete,  and the early burst of sales having dissipated as the market cooled, 
Westminster  is looking to sell its interest in finishing that project. 
Mr. Reidy asserted that he had been meeting with a steady stream of investors 
 still looking to get in on the “renaissance” in Asbury despite the overall 
real  estate slowdown. According to him, the current master plan for 
redevelopment was  specifically designed to include many developers, so it 
could not 
collapse based  on the fortunes of just one, as happened at the Esperanza site 
in the 1980s. 
Mr. Geibel, whose company is proceeding with three other large projects in  
Hudson County, including the Trump Plaza Jersey City, said he remained 
committed  to Asbury. Last week, he said he was searching for a new concrete 
contractor for  the Esperanza, because the one hired earlier had not worked up 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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