In a message dated 1/18/2008 3:45:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

When I  was at NYU in the early 90s, it was unsafe to walk certain 
blocks. If you  did, you had a pretty good chance of being mugged. 
NYU students were  mugged on a regular basis. When I would go to my 
studio classes in the  West 40s and 50s (I was a theater major), 
there were so many prostitutes,  druggies, etc. 

Now? The city is really freakin safe. 
Similar experiences here.  I had a place on Grove St for several  summers and 
took courses at NYU.  I never felt unsafe, but I'd encounter  street 
"entrepreneurs" on just about every block.  Guys selling "smokes"  were the 
obvious; I even saw them hit on Jerry Orbach once.  Then it  seemed they all 
disappeared (as did the homeless who used to sleep on the grates  surrounding 
buildings -- never did find out where they all went).
Hated when Times Square was at its sleaziest, but also hated the  
Disneyfication of the area.
But what comes first in these situations  (Chicken or the Egg?):   the 
redevelopment or the "quality of life" sweeps?

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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