Discussion about Asbury Park Little League field  improvements reported 
By _Nancy Shields_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  •  COASTAL MONMOUTH BUREAU • 
January 24, 2008 
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ASBURY PARK — City school officials met for four hours  Thursday with Asbury 
Park Little League President Danny McKee to resolve the  latest obstacle to 
McKee moving ahead with the installation of night lights and  construction of 
dugouts and a small field house for the league field at the high  school. 
Garrett Giberson, the school board's chairman of the building and grounds  
committee, said the negotiations were positive toward resolving differences 
 an access agreement McKee and Giberson himself had only learned this week 
was  required for the league to sign before proceeding.

"He (McKee) will  report back to his league board and will make a decision on 
whether to accept  the agreement or not," Giberson said.

The Little League has raised over  $200,000 the past two years to upgrade the 
field which the league shares with  the Asbury Park High School girls 
softball team at the high school.

The  school board, with the input of the new state fiscal monitor, Mark 
Cowell, and  board attorneys, had raised a number of issues during the fall 
delayed  McKee moving ahead with the second phase and most costly improvements 
to the  field -- the new lights, dugout and small building.

Those issues,  including whether it would be better to have the league start 
over creating a  new field behind the intermediate school, were believed to 
have been settled  until this week when the question of an access agreement was 

Giberson said Thursday night he could not disclose what had been  negotiated 
during the meeting. He said he would report to board President Robert  DiSanto 
and hoped a special meeting can be held next week for the board to sign  off 
on a new agreement.

Attorney Thomas DeSeno is representing the  league. McKee could not be 
reached for  comment.

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