MARTY Guy wrote:

DUBUISSON Olivier wrote :
"You can use the ASN.1 schema as the central schema and encode either
in BER, DER, PER or XER (i.e., XML), or even encode in PER to
transmit on a low-bandwith channel and "decode then re-encode" in XER
for display on your PDA, for example. There are ASN.1 tools that already
allow that."

Yes, I have imaged some thing like that.
But components are XML Native or ASN.1 Native and there are a lot of ASN.1
native component. If you want data of existing ASN.1 native component to be
transmitted to an XML native component your HAVE to write the corresponding
XML Schema. The two-way translation is necessary.

Actually that is an error prone, unnecessary and wasteful step. This
approach requires two schemas where one will do. It requires two
validations, one per schema, for data exchange. And since both
schemas are rich, there is more than one way to write a given
definition in each. But depending on the which way you choose
to write these definitions, and depending on the tools you use, you
can greatly affect what the underlying application may be expected
to handle. It will be interesting to see how good a job these schema
mapping utilities actually do. Not as good as a smart human is my

Best if possible to stick to a single schema. And if you need to be
backwards compatible with existing binary encodings, or if you
need data compression and speed of processing, and if your
application requires simple mechanisms to support digital
signatures or encryption, or if you want to avoid the complexities
of name space, XPath, XPointer, XC14N, C14N, etc. then the
one schema to pick is obvious.



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