The standard for that is being colloguially described in discussions
within the ASN.1 group as "X.695 | ISO/IEC 8825-6", but currently there
has been insufficient National Body (in ISO) or ITU-T Memebership (in
ITU-T) support for production of the standard for this mapping.

If there was enough interest in it, the standard and a corresponding
tool could emerge over the next year or so.

If the scope was restricted to "pure" ASN.1 (not ASN.1 with XCN), it
would be a relatively simple job to produce the standard, and the tool
would be fairly easy for anyone with access to an existing ASN.1 parser.

Is there real interest in such work?

John L

MARTY Guy wrote:
> Bonjour,
> C'est une excellente nouvelle ! Mais, existe-t-il un outil faisant le
> contraire traduction de modules ASN.1 à des XML Schemas ? Ceci est utile
> pour des systèmes d'information hétérogènes où les données peuvent être
> définies/encodées en XML Schéma/XML ou en ASN.1/BER.
> Great news! But, is there any tools that ca do the reverse translation from
> ASN.1 modules to XML Schemas? This is useful in heterogeneous information
> systems where data can be defined/encoded in XML Schemas/XML or in
> ASN.1/BER.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : DUBUISSON Olivier [mailto:olivier.dubuisson@;]
> Envoyé : mercredi 23 octobre 2002 17:53
> Objet : [ASN.1] X.694 tool to translate XML Schemas into ASN.1 modules
> It is my pleasure to announce that France Telecom has released on
> the ASN.1 website a prototype tool for ITU-T Recommendation X.694
> (Mapping W3C XML Schema definitions into ASN.1).
> To use the tool online, go to:
> (make sure to read the "important notes" at the top of the page before
> using the tool).
> Please note that the standard is not yet stable (it is planned to
> be approved at the beginning of 2003) and that the tool implements
> the current draft of X.694 (as a consequence, it will be updated in
> the future and the generated ASN.1 file could slightly change).
> By ticking options, you have the choice to generate XER encoding
> instructions as prefixes or comments in front of types, or in an
> encoding section at the end of the ASN.1 module. XER encoding
> instructions are used by XER tools to vary the XML encoding (use
> attributes, space-separated lists...).
> Enjoy it!
> More information on ITU-T Recommendation X.694 can be found at:
> --
> france telecom R&D
> DTL/TAL - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
> t: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - f: +33 2 96 05 39 45 -

   Prof John Larmouth
   Larmouth T&PDS Ltd
   (Training and Protocol Development Services)
   1 Blueberry Road                     
   Bowdon                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cheshire WA14 3LS                    Tel: +44 161 928 1605
   England                              Fax: +44 161 928 8069

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