For the record, I have had the same problem, even when
compiling from source.  I concluded that it was not a
Apache::ASP problem, but a mod_perl problem.  If you
don't get an answer here, you might try posting the
same question to the mod_perl lists.

Good Luck,


--- mrjaffa21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For some time i've been using apache v1.3 + mod_perl
> 1.3 and 
> apache::asp under win32.  When Apache 2.0 was
> released I thought I 
> would upgrade, due to the enhanced support under
> win32 environments; 
> so I installed apache 2.0 which was pre-compiled and
> linked with 
> mod_perl 2.0 support.  I've copied the asp
> directives from apache 1.3 
> httpd.conf file and pasted them into the apache
> 2.0's httpd.conf 
> file.  When I start apache 2.0, it complains that
> "PerlModule not 
> allowed here", the directives im using are:
> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlRequire  "c:/apache2/conf/"
> <Files ~ (\.asp)>    
>    SetHandler  perl-script
>    PerlModule  Apache::ASP
>    PerlHandler Apache::ASP
>    PerlSetVar  Global "c:/apache2/conf"
>    PerlSetVar  StateDir "c:/apache2/asp"
> </Files>
> I can find very little documentation on the matter,
> ive tried looking 
> at
> o_2_x, but it didn't really help me.  Does anyone
> know how to get it 
> working?
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