About 10 hours ago, my website started getting really slow. My MRTG
graph shows the server's bandwidth usage dropping to 1/4 of its
previous amount:


When I got on the server, the load average was above 7. The shell
prompt response time was very slow, the webpages took forever to load,
but the CPU was over 90% idle, the swap used was less than the
physical memory free, and the si/so/bi/bo values in "vmstat 1" were
mostly 0.

I couldn't figure out why it was lagging so badly. Then on a whim, I
tried "rm -rf" on the StateDir. An empty StateDir was re-created by
Apache::ASP, and then the lag problems mysteriously evaporated.

Any ideas on how I can prevent this problem from reoccurring? (Damn, I
should have saved the StateDir for further analysis instead of
deleting it.)

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