Gah, I just got the daily LogWatch e-mail for that server, and it's
apparent why.

I wonder if the disk is bad. I just had it replaced last month!

 --------------------- Kernel Begin ------------------------ 

WARNING:  Kernel Errors Present
   end_request: I/O error, dev 03:02 (hda)...:  4507Time(s)
   end_request: I/O error, dev 03BAsect=29...:  9Time(s)
   hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { Uncorrect...:  4296Time(s)
   hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }...:  4304Time(s)
   hda: error waiting for DMA...:  2Time(s)
   hda: read_intr: error=0x40 { Uncorrect...:  192Time(s)
   hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }...:  

 ---------------------- Kernel End ------------------------- 

Feb  2 14:41:34 hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
Feb  2 14:41:34 hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=293485, 
high=0, low=293485, sector=84632 
Feb  2 14:41:34 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:02 (hda), sector 84632 
Feb  2 14:41:34 hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
Feb  2 14:41:40 hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=293485, 
high=0, low=293485, sector=84640 
Feb  2 14:41:41 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:02 (hda), sector 84640 
Feb  2 14:41:41 hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
Feb  2 14:41:41 hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=293485, 
high=0, low=293485, sector=84640 
Feb  2 14:41:41 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:02 (hda), sector 84640 
Feb  2 14:41:49 hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
Feb  2 14:41:49 hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=293485, 
high=0, low=293485, sector=84640 

(the rest all looks the same, just with later timestamps)

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