Tsirkin Evgeny wrote:
I was interested to know what is the apache::asp  maintenance status?
Is it still maintained?Is it dead?
I have some applications here written in apache::asp and killing it ,for now ,is not an option.So ,are there people, except me, that are interested in the module?Are there
people out there using this and maintaining it?

Well, on the one hand, the last update to the library was over two years ago, and the last post by its primary author was nearly a year and a half ago.

On the other hand, I'm not aware of anything so badly wrong with it that we need someone to step in and take over. I think there are enough people using the library that it'd be valuable to see some new development, but I don't think the library is in danger of becoming irrelevant just yet. It still works, and it's still useful as it is.

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