Joshua Chamas wrote:
If you have other needs please let me know.

Well, for inertia reasons, we're still maintaining a lot of CentOS 3 and Red Hat Linux 9 type systems, with mod_perls of 1.99_07 and _09 vintage, which was before the big Apache2:: namespace reorg. As a result, when installing Apache::ASP, I have to manually edit to remove all the '2's. Also, the Apache2::ServerRec module doesn't exist on these systems, so I have to comment it out. Apache::ASP then works just fine.

It would be spiffy if the library detected this situation and coped automatically.

I tested this, and it works here:

eval {
    # Try new Apache2 module requests first
    require Apache2::RequestRec;
    require Apache2::RequestUtil;
    require Apache2::RequestIO;
    require Apache2::Response;
    require APR::Table;
    require APR::Pool;
    require Apache2::Connection;
    require Apache2::ServerUtil;
    require Apache2::ServerRec;
    require Apache2::SubRequest;
    require Apache2::Log;
eval {
    # Alternative if above fails because system is old, but not
    # so old that it's incompatible.
    require Apache::RequestRec;
    require Apache::RequestUtil;
    require Apache::RequestIO;
    require Apache::Response;
    require APR::Table;
    require APR::Pool;
    require Apache::Connection;
    require Apache::ServerUtil;
    require Apache::SubRequest;
    require Apache::Log;
} if defined $@;

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