Redirecting this back to the list. Please don't respond to me personally. I'm here to support Apache::ASP, not to support you in particular. :)

Randy wrote:
It now has Apache::ASP installed on it, but still won't run ASP scripts.

What do you get in the browser?

What do you get in Apache's error log?

What does your global.asa file contain, and where is it?

Can you post the relevant sections of your httpd.conf file, and say what is in all of the directories it references?

Do all of these directories have appropriate permissions? Especially, does the StateDir exist, and is it writeable by the httpd user?

How do I call out a directory, and specify ASP scripts to run in it, in the
httpd.conf file? (I think this may be the end of it).

There is an answer, but it's the wrong question. If you configure Apache::ASP to run on the server as a whole and it doesn't work, restricting it to a single directory won't make it work.

Once you get ASP working globally, we can talk about tightening it down to a single directory. Let's not complicate things yet.

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