Good perspective


--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mikeda,
> I do not dispute your hypothesis that Assam could
> solve the problem of potassium, liquid energy and
> energy. I have not done enough analysis to comment
> either way.
> What I do dispute is that a sovereign Assam will not
> have access to Indian markets. That does not sound
> logical since a state seized from India will be felt
> inimical to it. Assam will never have any leverage
> over the directions India takes in building out
> these
> networks.
> In addition all those opportunities you talk about,
> there are others - big ideas all - that can impact
> both India overall and our region economically. Such
> opportunities did not make sense in an earlier
> generation of India where the leadership clearly
> lacked vision and the public did not demand it. The
> world in India today is different. People want
> prosperity and are pretty impatient about it. Many
> politicians have realized it and work towards
> getting
> some work done. 
> It is that time in India where the watchword is hope
> and progress and by any account humongous economic
> progress. It is into that India that the
> opportunities
> of Assam will feed into. This requires an Assam that
> is indelibly linked to India - not de-linked.
> Actually the way I see it - India (and Bangladesh
> and
> Burma and USA and Thailand and USA and Europe and
> whatever else is there) will get peace in our region
> at any cost. If not for the love of Assam, this
> peace
> will come because there is way too much money to be
> made.
> For 40 years Assam was in the periphery - being a
> link
> between worlds would bring the North East to
> somewhat
> of an economic center. India will have an impetus to
> make the NE that economic center over let's say
> Bangladesh. Take a look at the map of the region. A
> sovereign Assam would be irrelevant - India can
> easily
> route the routes through Bangaldesh.
> The real question is:
> Should Assam rather be sovereign and not take
> advantage of the opportunities you and I are talking
> about? Or should we be a part of India and take
> advantage of those? Would we rather have the jungle
> reclaim us or move forward with a singular focus on
> the prosperity of the region.
> Economically speaking I haven't seen a business case
> built out for the former. 
> It is in this context that we had a discussion some
> time back as to what the objective for discussions
> between ULFA and GOI should be - beyond the singular
> word of sovereignity. 
> People of NE benefit from having gotten as an
> outcome
> of a negotiated settlement a humongous economic
> bonus
> that the neglect of GOI and the depradations of the
> militants have brought us. GOI will bite because
> however huge an economic bonus will be far smaller
> than the economic benefits that will accrue to both
> Assam and India. 
> --- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> The Mother of Reasons of all human migration
> problems:
> Bihari-Adibasi(maybe Jharkhand
> origin),Karbi,Dimasa,Nagas(grabbing lower lands with
> Delhi/CRP looking the other way)--- depletion of
> Potassium from the soil.
> I wrote in the net that only Sovereign Assam can
> solve
> India's food /unrest  problem by supplying 
> Potassium,
> Phosphorus, PLUS half of India's liquid energy needs
> --plus about half Electric energy needs.
> {No Sovereignty for Assam--  no Hope of " Great
> India"
> EVER.} 
> Promise I won't repeat this "Asinine" remark.
> mm 
> mm
> ---------------------------------
> To:
> Subject:  [Assam] Karbi Anglong
> Date:  Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:55:33 -0400
> >
> >Rajib Das wrote on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 15:20:04 -0700
> >
> >+  I wonder what is the position of the Assam
> separatists
> >+  on this pernicious war between the two groups -
> Karbis
> >+  and Dimasas.
> >+
> >+  Going by the total silence on this - I assume
> either
> >+  the separatists are not interested in that
> conflict.
> >+
> >+  I am sure there would be some that would put the
> blame
> >+  on GOI - the Great Satan. But then it would be
> too
> >+  simplistic, wouldn't it?
> >
> >the issue is land.
> >
> >this is not the first time that there has been a
> killing.
> >some time ago upds killed some biharis.
> >
> >wait, wait---biharis in karbi anglong?!
> >
> >you would be surprised, but there are a lot of
> biharis
> >in karbi anglong.  the biharis are those who have
> been
> >displaced from bihar due to---you guessed it---land
> >alienation.  the land alienation in bihar gave rise
> >to and sustained the maoist communist center kinds
> >and the opposing ranbir sena kinds, leading to
> >occasional massacres there.  the land alienation
> problem
> >in bihar has now been exported to the karbi hills.
> >
> >this problem now will touch all those in karbi and
> other
> >areas.  it will pit one tribe against the other. 
> it
> will
> >pit tribals against the illegal immigrants (as it
> did
> at nellie
> >some decades ago).  and it will pit tribals against
> biharis,
> >bengalis and what have you.  and the biharis and
> bengalis
> >will retaliate, as the biharis did following the
> upds
> attack.
> >
> >if you are trying to take a few cheap shots at
> militancy this
> >time, please don't.  well, for one, we don't know
> who
> did this
> >particular massacre. (most probably we will never
> know---do
> >we know who did nellie, so many years ago, or
> dimapur
> railway
> >station last year?).  they were in black fatigues
> it
> is said,
> >but surprisingly they did not use ak-47's.  they
> used
=== message truncated ===

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