> Even in officer level posts - if your father or relative has been in the army (mostly "martial races" - Rajputs and Sikhs -then >you have a better chance of getting in.
In this respect, the British were racist in that they believed in the racial superiority of people. In fact they not only believed and honored the Hindu caste system, but also took advantage of it. They used to employ the Brahmins for office work.  Similarly they openly gave preference to the martial races for recruitment into the army. Sikhs, Rajputs and the Gurkhas were the most preferred races for military. A guy from Assam or Bengal will probably have a low chance of getting into the military specially in the lower ranks. I think it is still the case although they may not say it openly. It will be interesting to see the percentage of different Indian ethnic groups in the military and that might reveal the facts.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:10 PM
Subject: [Assam] Mr Suraj Bhan is right - do away with Rajputana Rifles-name -atleast

I was telling Hindu American F board members to invite Mr Suraj Bhan (mentioned in the above article) to speak on behalf of Hindu organizations working for Dailts -at US Congressional meetings . It seems he has taken up a challenging task.
It is no secret that there is widespread corruption in Army recruitment -esp for non-officer level posts. Recruiting officers rely on their relatives back home - to get in near and dear ones - but for a fee --mostly from the same caste. Ofcourse, they have to pass all the tests. Even in officer level posts - if your father or relative has been in the army (mostly "martial races" - Rajputs and Sikhs -then you have a better chance of getting in.
Any views?

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