A recently former chief of Army Staff - General Roy
Choudhury was Bengali. The current BSF head RS
Mooshahary is a Bodo.

On other fronts, another Army Chief was a Tam Brahm -
Gen S. Padmanabhan. The only Indian Field Marshall was
a Parsi.

So at least on the face of it, there is no taboo.
Though I must admit the Sardars have way more people
in the army than their proportion of the Indian

--- tridip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Even in officer level posts - if your father or
> relative has been in the army (mostly "martial
> races" - Rajputs and Sikhs -then >you have a better
> chance of getting in. 
> well i beg to differ on that. the regiments in the
> indian army are all pre-independent era ...the
> britishers formed them and they have retained their
> names..their identity....though the recruitment was
> more or less strictly based on caste, community ,
> even villages they aren't anymore today esp. in the
> officer ranks. the other ranks like the jawans etc
> are usually recruited on the basis of their
> community. and there's a logic behind this. it binds
> the jawans amongst themselves. more often than not
> one'll find people from the same villages in one
> battalion or regiments. furthermore, people from the
> hilly regions are better for mountain warfare ( it
> was the gurkha, naga and kumaon regiment who took
> the top honours in kargil) simillarly, the
> rajputana, sikh regiments are better in plains or
> deserts etc. as they call, its in their genes!
> as for the officer ranks, its simply that not many
> sits for the entrance exams. even till some years
> back not many students in assam were aware of exams
> like NDA-NA, CDSE etc. they either wanted to be
> doctors or engineers or maybe lawyers...not a
> defence officer. i have seen atleast 30 guys from
> the north and west of india who dropped out of IITs
> to join NDA. as far as assam is concerned i dont
> know of anyone doing that. do u guys know?? maybe
> the better question would be, would you let your
> son/brother drop out of IIT-D to join NDA??? most
> probably the answer will be no. the opportunity cost
> would be lot higher than what you would expect to
> get. right??
> now for the chances of a bengali or assamese getting
> into the army in the lower ranks. its as good as any
> other indian. but the only problem is that there
> aren't many takers for it. the only reason why there
> are a lot less assamese than, say, sikh is that not
> many wants to join the defence forces...but the
> recent stampedes in the recruitment rallys or camps
> indicates the change in mentality and attitude. 
> btw, assam rifles is the oldest regiment in india.
> regards,
> tridip
> Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Even in officer level posts - if your father or
> relative has been in the army (mostly "martial
> races" - Rajputs and Sikhs -then >you have a better
> chance of getting in. 
> In this respect, the British were racist in that
> they believed in the racial superiority of people.
> In fact they not only believed and honored the Hindu
> caste system, but also took advantage of it. They
> used to employ the Brahmins for office work. 
> Similarly they openly gave preference to the martial
> races for recruitment into the army. Sikhs, Rajputs
> and the Gurkhas were the most preferred races for
> military. A guy from Assam or Bengal will probably
> have a low chance of getting into the military
> specially in the lower ranks. I think it is still
> the case although they may not say it openly. It
> will be interesting to see the percentage of
> different Indian ethnic groups in the military and
> that might reveal the facts.
> RB
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: umesh sharma 
> To: assam@assamnet.org 
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:10 PM
> Subject: [Assam] Mr Suraj Bhan is right - do away
> with Rajputana Rifles-name -atleast
> I was telling Hindu American F board members to
> invite Mr Suraj Bhan (mentioned in the above
> article) to speak on behalf of Hindu organizations
> working for Dailts -at US Congressional meetings .
> It seems he has taken up a challenging task.
> It is no secret that there is widespread corruption
> in Army recruitment -esp for non-officer level
> posts. Recruiting officers rely on their relatives
> back home - to get in near and dear ones - but for a
> fee --mostly from the same caste. Ofcourse, they 
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