Title: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese

I submitted far more than I should have to your inquisition.  You, as the one who brought Sumanta Chaliha's purported 'narrow nationalism' into the picture and judged it bad for Assam.

I do not know what Sumanta's views are or what his Assam for Assamese plan includes. Obviously you do. Under the circumstances, one would expect YOU to make a case AGAINST Sumanta's, explaining YOUR reasons. But I am not complaining. I try to help my friends who are not as articulate as they could be, when I can.

It is however unfortunate to see that instead of appreciating my effort at educating you, you threatened to 'attack' me, and then tried to devalue my explanations and criticized my methods.

That is a real 'khai-paat-folaa' attitude, of biting the hand that feeds. Hope you will take a New Year's resolution to overcome it in the future.

Take care.


At 2:06 PM -0600 12/28/05, Rajen Barua wrote:
If you cannot answer, (and what it seems obvious to the netters) people will understand, but you don't have to change the subject now to independent Assam and bring old issues trying to show how bad a person I am by showing what I wrote in the past and what I did not.  This is rather an old trick to camouflage your inability to address the questions. Exactly like your inability to address the question how to achieve independence of Assam from India, you are trying to take the same escape route. Our present discussion on the issue was not based on an independent Assam, and if you are thinking netters have a short memory, I wish you luck. Even than you did not answer many questions which directly pertains to independent Assam.  So no Bengalis in your independent Assam unless they become Assamese etc. No Bodos in independent Assam they identify themselves as Assamese etc....
So what do you say, let us close the chapter and put in in archive?
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