Title: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese
>So no Bengalis in your independent Assam unless they become Assamese etc. No Bodos in >independent Assam they identify themselves as Assamese etc....

*** Is that what YOU imagine as a result of Sumanta's plan? Or is that what you imagine as an extension of MY explanation ? And is that the only result you can imagine?

*** Just so it is clear Rajen, your concoction of this scenario is NOT the only possible result for the indigenous Bengalis of Assam. If you insist it is, then either your imaginations are rather stunted, or you are being very disingenuous.

Take your pick.

At 3:05 PM -0600 12/28/05, Rajen Barua wrote:
"Assam IS for the Assamese -- those who BELONG to Assam. It is their homeland. It includes many different ethnic groups. Ahoms, Bodos, Dimasas, Misings, Karbis-- etc. etc. Assam is NOT the homeland for Biharis, not for Marwaris, not for B'deshis. They can be guests there. And become Assamese in time thru a process of assimilation. But they cannot REMAIN itinerant Marwaris and Biharis and B'deshis but claim to be Assamese at the same time. That is the difference" - Chandan Mahanta (Dec 26, 2005)
If you cannot answer, (and what it seems obvious to the netters) people will understand, but you don't have to change the subject now to independent Assam and bring old issues trying to show how bad a person I am by showing what I wrote in the past and what I did not.  This is rather an old trick to camouflage your inability to address the questions. Exactly like your inability to address the question how to achieve independence of Assam from India, you are trying to take the same escape route. Our present discussion on the issue was not based on an independent Assam, and if you are thinking netters have a short memory, I wish you luck. Even than you did not answer many questions which directly pertains to independent Assam.  So no Bengalis in your independent Assam unless they become Assamese etc. No Bodos in independent Assam they identify themselves as Assamese etc....
So what do you say, let us close the chapter and put in in archive?

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