Title: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese
This is your writing. Chandan
NOT SUMANTA's. Don't try to back off now.
This is YOUR Assam, NOT  SUMANTA's
Don't try to drag SUMANATA into your statement.
See, heh heh

>But before I try to show the short coming of your statement, I want you to note and confirm again that the following is your own statement which you believe, and not of Sumanta Chaliha or somebody else and that you are simply trying to tabulate to spice up the arguments for the sake of arguments.
"Assam IS for the Assamese -- those who BELONG to Assam. It is their homeland. It includes many different ethnic groups. Ahoms, Bodos, Dimasas, Misings, Karbis-- etc. etc.Assam is NOT the homeland for Biharis, not for Marwaris, not for B'deshis. They can be guests there. And become Assamese in time thru a process of assimilation. But they cannot REMAIN itinerant Marwaris and Biharis and B'deshis but claim to be Assamese at the same time. That is the difference" - Chandan Mahanta (Dec 26, 2005)
*** I am NOT in the habit of blaming somebody else for what I write Rajen. The Devil does NOT make me do it. Did I create an impression otherwise?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese

>So no Bengalis in your independent Assam unless they become Assamese etc. No Bodos in >independent Assam they identify themselves as Assamese etc....

*** Is that what YOU imagine as a result of Sumanta's plan? Or is that what you imagine as an extension of MY explanation ? And is that the only result you can imagine?

*** Just so it is clear Rajen, your concoction of this scenario is NOT the only possible result for the indigenous Bengalis of Assam. If you insist it is, then either your imaginations are rather stunted, or you are being very disingenuous.

Take your pick.

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